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A Reflection Report (1000) words 4 pages
CPD Action Plan 1 page
Part 1
This assessment consists of a 1000 word essay and a one page CPD Action Plan.
You will need to reflect on your development in terms of skills, knowledge and attitudes over the last 12 weeks.
• Provide a brief outline of one or two specific area that you recognized during your PDPs with your tutor as an area of improvement. E.g. Possibly you may find difficulty with exams evidenced by exam grades being lower than assessed work by approximately 15%.
• Provide an accurate interpretation of what occurred. i.e. That you felt very anxious during exams or that you did not have enough time to revise.
• Discuss what you did to improve. Try to find links with theory by exploring the study skills literature to give ideas that you could use to help your own development i.e. Cottrell p. 376 suggests “if an exam question sounds like you have done it before check the wording very carefully.” (2010) It could also be that you collected your exam papers, and sought further support from PBS Study support to help with your exam technique.
• Discuss what you have learnt and what you are doing differently. i.e. During the PBS study support session I learnt how to organise my notes so that they are more suitable for revision purposes.
• Finally, you may like to comment on what you will do in the future i.e. new SMART objectives to help your continuous learning. (Remember to include on your Plan for the next six months!)
Part 2
I will Attach a copy of the Template.
You also need to hand in a copy of a CDP Action Plan (A4 page) which outlines your SMART objectives, what action you intend to take and the date on which you completed or intend to complete the action. ( Below after the Personal development planning Form you will find the ACTION PLAN Template.)
Here is a marketing criteria and feedback and structure of exactly what is required from the 1000 report. Please read carefully after that there is a some important information on my course and I that will help in writing the report.
Section of report
1. Introduction and description – Provides account of development area which is clear, accurate and concise. Marks Available (10)
2. Interpretation – Critical evaluation of the personal development area. Evidence that the development area has been linked to theory. Further analysis or observation included. Marks Available (45)
3. Outcome and Conclusions – The potential learning points have been recognised. ‘SMART’ action points have been made in the future. A key summary of points made. Marks Available (35)
4. All sections – Academic communication skills – Structure, written communication skills, referencing, etc. Marks Available (10)
Feedback Suggestions (Students should also take note of any feedback written directly onto the assignment)
– Tutors will highlight feedback that applies.:
Overall, the work has offered an excellent reflective report and shows good insight into personal development.
– The structure:
The structure has provided clarity to the work.
– Overview: “The event should be past tense”
A good account has been given with genuine exploration; it is clear what has happened and which key area is being developed.
– The focus:
There has been excellent focus on a development area, selected with thought, which has provided a reflection at depth.
– The reflection:
This academic reflection has shown very good reflection at a personal level. It has revealed anxieties/weaknesses/ and offered explanation on how to improve.
– Analysis:
There are some good examples of analysis looking at the development area in depth and from different perspectives.
– Links to literature: – “When linking to the literature the event should link to the present tense.”
The links with theory have added value to the analysis; helping to explain what has happened. It is clear that you have read outside the main texts and researched further.
– Smart objectives:
Excellent thought has been given to the development areas and how you will be taking it forward. You have provided SMART objectives. This will help you professionally develop.
Your Employability – reflections (Reflect on the unit ( “an experience”) you have completed in the first five weeks of this unit)
What work experience in employment have you had so far (paid or not paid)? (you could improve and include your CV here)
– Not paid experience : – Trainee at my father’s company ” Alshuaa” for a year. – Done a CV for my ERPD Unit. – Know what to say in an interview as we had to do a poster presentation.
How prepared are you for life beyond your degree?
– I Just started.
Work – What do you want to do? (Role, Organisation)?
– Role: HR Department, Organisation: Qatar Petroleum
How relevant is your work experience? (Think about skills here as well as direct knowledge)
– Communication and Time management skills
– How to write a CV and Covering Letter
– What to say in a Job interview
By this time you should know about what employers want generally from graduates when they recruit. Specifically what do employers want from graduates of positions that you are interested in? (skills, qualities, knowledge, values, achievements, competencies)
-Teamwork skills
-Communication Skills
-Presentation Skills
What can you offer to employers ? (Think of your skills, qualities, knowledge, values, achievements, and unique selling points (USPs)…..you can improve and include your skills audit form here)
– Teamwork skills
– Communication skills
– Time management skills
– As I lived in a multicultural community I could bring to the company a successful implementation of equality and diversity in all aspects of work by insuring staff and customers are valued, motivated and treated fairly.
What examples could you give of the above? (You can improve and include your STAR form here)
Communication Skills: Trained at Alshuaa Company for a year
Teamwork skills: managed more than two groups in my first year at the university and working in groups made me gain an important skill such as teamwork.
Where can you not give the required employability examples? (Comment on areas where you need to gather more evidence so that you can give examples)
As I still don’t have enough experience I’m not very sure of Customer focus and Integrity skills (in the report show how you will improve)
Your Professional Behaviours- reflection What are your main examples of exhibiting good professional behaviour? (You might like to comment on your integrity, your presentability, your conscientiousness or your work effectiveness for example.)
Where do you feel you could develop your professional behaviour? (Be self-critical here and reflect on feedback from others, perhaps ask your tutor for further feedback….You could develop your effectiveness by improving your time management, you could be more respectful with people with different cultures and backgrounds or investigate how you could become more communicative in group discussions.)
Where do you have the opportunity to develop your professional behaviours? (conduct as a student, in the workplace-paid and unpaid, roles and positions of responsibility)
Action Planning Level 5- in this section you are identifying new learning needs and creating development plans
Your Academic Studies- action planning
What will you do to achieve the degree classification you wish to gain (long term goal)?
What are your targets areas that you feel you could develop specifically this year or term (short term goal)? (Be realistic)
– Presentation Skills as I do not feel I have enough confidence in public speaking although I presented very well in my poster presentation and that is because I practiced very well and to overcome this problem I should practice more before presenting (include more improvement and link to theories and literature)
What have you done so far to take steps to develop your areas of development? (You may like to comment on extra reading, ASK resources you have accessed, PBS Study Support video resources, comment when seeking further feedback from tutors)
– Poster Presentation
– Preparation reading before every seminar
– Using different types of resources
What steps will you take to prepare/plan/achieve your goals in this term? (be realistic) (i.e. Study skills support, ASK workshops, collect feedback form tutors)
– Collect feedback from tutors and ask more questions to know exactly what I’m doing and how to earn higher grades in my assignments and final year examination to reach my target.
Your Employability Plan-action planning
What is your long term career goal? (if you are unsure what steps will you take to find your goal?)
– Develop skills and knowledge as much as I can at my time at university as I am on a scholarship and as soon as I graduate I will have to go back to my country and work for my sponsors QP. I am planning to work in the HR department.
What are your shorter term goals for this term? (You may like to improve your work experience, improve your interview skills, find out more about your chosen profession, build you evidence of team worker or ability to problem solve)
– To improve my interview skills by being more confident and to have my CV ready and know exactly what to say.
What steps have you taken this semester specifically to reach your career goals and become employable? (e.g improve skills audit, find a placement, gain work experience, do an information interview, develop a network of contacts, talk to a Careers Adviser, explore further study, prepare for business start up, research using specific resources ..which?, attend career events- employer twilight events)
– I went to a meeting at purple door for preparing business start up which was very useful.
– Done an information interview.
What steps will you take to prepare/plan/achieve your goals in this term? (Be realistic… You could talk to career advisor, volunteer for some work in your chosen profession, organise a day with someone in that profession or research further information regarding you chosen profession.)
– Volunteer for some work in my profession, to gain work experience and to have a better and interesting CV.
– Research further information of chosen profession.
Your Professional Behaviours-action planning
What professional behaviours would you like to be noticed for? (It may be that you would like be respected for your collaboration, your effectiveness or your conscientiousness.)
What steps will you take this semester to develop your professional behaviour further? (It may be that you volunteer to take on more responsibility in the club you are a member of, or you develop your respectfulness in your work place, or you are more co-operative within your group situations.
Action Plan (SMART objectives)for semester 1- level 5– ‘’Bringing it all together’’
Key points discussed with tutor -taken from your reflections and action- which you will complete and hand in
Academic Studies- Actions – include your programme learning outcomes and what developments you will achieve by the beginning of level 6
Employability Plan- Actions– what developments you will achieve by the beginning of level 6 – what you will do and by when.
Professional Behaviours- Actions- What developments you will achieve by the beginning of level 6 –what you will do by when.