VDM Case Analysis Guidelines: A. Read the case carefully and determine the key issues. B. Determine what the main problem or opportunity is in the case as you see it. Clearly state this as either the problem or opportunity statement in one to two sentences. C. State three to four realistic alternatives to effectively resolve the stated problem or to take advantage of the possible opportunities. D. Determine which Value Drivers are the most important to consider in establishing Value Over Time (VOT) maximization in the case. ? Take Each Value Driver and accomplish the following: 1. Identify specific aspects (Facts, problems, potential problems, data needs for further analysis, etc.) of the case as they relate to this particular Value Driver. (Be very specific and concrete in this step.) 2. List the potential positive and negative impacts on Value Over Time of each aspect and whether it has a short-term effect, long-term effect and what you would expect the effect to be on Value Over Time. 3. Consider potential actions (alternatives) you could take to turn the particular negative effects of each aspect to neutral or positive ones. ? Determine the interactive effect (positive or negative impact) each of these Value Drivers may have on one another and the impact it will have on Value Over Time. – Be sure to discuss positive and negative interactive effects and actions (as per the best alternative that maximizes value over time) you may take to alleviate or enhance these effects.E. In the final analysis, consider the Value Drivers in their totality to determine the action (actions or alternative) that will maximize Value Over Time. F. Offer a comprehensive implementation plan with realistic timelines for your chosen alternative. You can always add figures, tally sheets, tables and other date/tools used for analysis in the appendix and make reference to them in your analysis. One person on behalf of the team should email this assignment to the instructor by or before the due date…the same grade will be provided to all team members (unless everyone tells the faculty that a specific member was tardy or did not contribute equally). Prepare to present your findings using a Power Point file in about 8-12 minutes as directed.For referencing, always use the original or published version (when available) rather than any electronic file downloads from the course website. So note that the proper reference for the well-paid receptionist case (and Value Driven Management book) is: – Cousins, R.B. (1992). The well-paid receptionist. Case Research Journal, 12(1), 1-5. – Pohlman, R. A. and Gardiner, G. S. (2000).Value Driven Management, How to Create and Maximize Value Over Time for Organizational Success. NewYork: Amacom. My part is focusing on Implementation plan for selected value-maximizing alternative