Quality of Interpersonal Communication in the Digital Era

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Quality of Interpersonal Communication in the Digital Era

Quality of Interpersonal Communication in the Digital Era

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Attached is the an article kindly annotate it and ensure to include all important points

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include advantages , disadvantages and recommendations in terms of Quality of Interpersonal Communication in the Digital Era

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—Era of globalization and development in digital

technology this time was enriching the development in

communication form or feature, for example the Internet. This

new media showed implications in

various fields, which are, the

implications in business s

ector, media’s management,

advertisement, and the social community network including the

behavior of his communication.

Development of the new media

that convergent, made the communication process between

people become easier and faster. We can communicate with

people around the world quickly and directly. Internet with

various facilities like, Chat, e-mail, voice mail, etc has changed

the behavior of its consumer. Fr

om various implications that

arise due to the development of information technology and

Communication this time, the authors was interested in

researching about social impact from ICT development in the

community. The aim of this research is to know quality of

interpersonal communication in social contexts in digital era.

This research study is person

al opinion using qualitative

descriptive method, where data is collected through depth

interviews with informants, which are Y (native) generation

digital and X generation in Jakar

ta. The results showed that the

quality of interpersonal communication can be done not only

through face to face, but it also done through the media depend

on context and situation. In the normal context, communication

by face to face and via the media has a same degree of quality.

While in the conflict context, communication through the media

are more qualified compare to communication by face to face.

This study is hopefully could be useful as a reference for further

research and can obtain a helpful information about social

impact of digital media in particularly Indonesian community, so

it can useful as a various parties in addressing the impact of new

media and also become inputs for the manufacture of regulation

in this field.

Index Terms

—Interpersonal communication, personal

opinion, social context, digital era.




Communication has a different type and level. There are

two general type of communication namely direct and

indirect communication. Direct communication is

face-to-face process communication between people from

one another. Indirect communication requires a media to

convey the message, for example: TV, Internet, newspapers,

and others. From two type of communication above,

communication is divided again into two types, namely

verbal and non verbal. Verbal communication is such as

conversation (oral) and

written. While nonverbal

communication could be a body language (gesture), image,

color, physical appearance, and others. Communication has

Manuscript received June 24,

2013; revised August 20, 2013.

Nawiroh Vera is lecturer in Faculty of Communication Science, Budi

Luhur University, Jakarta, Jl. Ciledug Raya, Petukangan Utara, Jakarta

12020 Indonesia (e-mail: Lnawir

[email protected]).

difference kind of level according

to the expert, but basically

that level is distinguished by the number of people involved

in the communication process, namely: intrapersonal

communication, interpersonal communication, group

communication, and mass communication. Each has its own


Interpersonal communication is simply defined by Joseph

De Vito as “Sending a message from someone and be

accepted by others and getting

a direct feedback”. While

Everett M Rogers emphasized

the important elements in

interpersonal communication is

there will be a face to face

process, although some other experts claim that interpersonal

communication can also be done by telephone or telex media

as a channel of interpersonal communication. Rapidly

development in technology communication field in the

current era of digital technology now a day able to change the

patterns of communication among peoples. If we look at of

classical concepts of interp

ersonal communication was more

emphasizes in face-to-face, while

in the era of technology

now communication mostly done by using the media. The

development of media technology is tremendous rapidly

enrich the forms or types of communication media, one of it

is the Internet.

Internet as a new media has sp

ecial characteristic features

which are convergence and digitalization. Internet is the

result of technological convergence between Information

Technology and Telecommunications. This new media

showed implications in various fields, which are, the

implications in business sector, media’s management,

advertisement, and the social community network including

the behavior of his communication. Development of the new

media that convergent, made the communication process

between people become easier and faster. We can

communicate with people around the world quickly and

directly. Internet with various facilities like, Chat, e-mail,

voice mail, etc has changed the behavior of its consumer.

Communication via the internet does not questioning the

distance and time even the form of communication. No

distance limitation makes the broad nature of the

communication; the Internet can connect millions of people

from various parts of the world

in the same time. Information

from anywhere can quickly be known, and strangely there is

no clear information who was the communicator and who

was the communicant. Each side can be a user, the sender as

well as receivers. In the context of interpersonal

communication, communication can be conducted in person

or using the media. Internet is

expected as the most widely

used media for communication among people other than

mobile phones. Chat, e-mail, voice mail is a facility of the

internet that been used in inter-personal communication.

Classical concept concerned

with face to face for more

effective communication in which effectiveness depends on

Quality of Interpersonal Communication in the Digital Era

Nawiroh Vera

















several components, namely; openness, empathy,

supportiveness, positiveness, and

equality. So it can be said

that interpersonal communicati

on with media can reduce the

quality of communications made. Effectiveness

Communication is if every people involved free

communication without barriers sending ideas or notions

appropriate expectations, respectively. Both physical and

psychological barriers in co

mmunication, decreases the

effectiveness of communication.

Quality of communication is not only being seen from the

degree of association but also in social context of

communication. A good relationship will make

communication go smoothly, but in some particular context it

can change into conflict in those interactions. Interpersonal

communication occurs among individual who interact

between one another in certain situation. The interaction can

take place between husba

nd and wife, lovers,

bosses-employee, friends, and so forth. What is more

effective interpersonal comm

unication by face to face or

through the media? In this digital era, that media is referred to

internet or gadget, which b

ecame crucial question in this

study. To answer that, researchers ask individual opinion of

people that deal in communi

cation area about quality of

interpersonal communication in social context, in this case,

the focus are people categori

zed as Y generation and X

generation in Jakarta.

The purpose of this research is as a benchmark for

subsequent studies about the social impact of digital media

for the community.







Interpersonal Communication

It’s difficult to imagine a profession that doesn’t require

you to interact with other people. You likely use

interpersonal communication every day to handle complaints

from a demanding client, to persuade your boss to give you

some time off, or to comfort a friend dealing with a difficult


Interpersonal communication has been defined many ways.

Some scholars define “

Interpersonal communication based

on the situation and number of participants involved

” (Miller,

1978). Using Miller’s defi

nition, Interpersonal

communication occurs between two individuals when they

are close in proximity, able to

provide immediate feedback

and utilize multiple senses. Others define Interpersonal

communication based on the degree of “personalness,” or

perceived quality, of a given in

teraction (Peters, 1974). In

Peter’s view, Interpersonal communication includes

communication that is personal and occurring between

people who are more than acquaintances [1].

Interpersonal communication is the communication

between people. We all communi

cate with each other, every

one of us in his own characteristic way. Interpersonal

communication means communi

cating formal, informal,

verbal and non verbally. Verbal communication refers to oral,

spoken communication we a

ll know. Written communication

enters also in this category. People still write letters, notes, or

send emails. Technology intervenes in any type of

communication because tec

hnology makes communication

develop much quicker. [2].

Interpersonal communication occurs when two or more

people transactionally influence one another. In interpersonal

communication, two or more people have a mutual and

simultaneous effect on one another [3].



Internet is “a global network connecting millions of

computers. More than 100 countries are linked into

exchanges of data, news and opinions. Unlike online services,

which are centrally controlled,

the Internet is


by design. Each Internet computer, called a host, is

independent. Its operators can choose which Internet services

to use and which local services to make available to the

global Internet community. Remarkably, this anarchy by

design works exceedingly well.

There are a variety of ways

to access the Internet. Most onlin

e services, such as America

Online offer access to some Inte

rnet services. It is also

possible to gain access through a

commercial Internet Service

Provider (ISP) [4].

The Internet, or simply the Net, is the publicly available

worldwide system of interconnected computer network that

transmit data by packet switching using a standardized

Internet protocol (IP) and many other protocols. It is made up

of thousands of smaller commercial, academic, and

government networks. It carri

es various information and

services, such as electroni

c mail, online chat and the

interlinked web pages and other documents of the World

Wide Web. Because this is by

far the largest, most extensive

internet (with a small


) in the world, it is simply called


Internet (with a capital


). features of the Internet are ; World

Wide Web (www), E-mail, and Instant Messaging, chat,

mailing list, and each other. [5].

Technology provides many ways of assisting people in

communicating, as well. It can

bridge great distances, as

mentioned earlier, in keeping

people in contact with each

other. Thus, one can see how technology, when used properly,

greatly enhances the communication process among people.

Without telephones and computers, society would consist

solely of whichever people one could reach within a day’s

travel, and we would lack the means to make friends across

the country and around the world (Veronica Bergschneider)

the internet has indeed changed

the way people socialize. [6].


Interpersonal Communication and Technology

Interpersonal communication and technology are linked

together by the simple reason that technology facilitates

communication ways. Technology means cell phones,

computers, internet etc. Co

mmunication has increased a lot

since technology has developed. Nowadays people talk a lot

on the phone, internet is an endless source of knowledge and

people like to talk online, on chat rooms. The internet allows

you to get to know people from all over the world, online, in a

virtual world. Technology has made communication possible

at a global level. [7].

Interpersonal Communication can be sustained also on the

phone. Since technology is so developed, we can talk on the

phone and in the same time see the other person through the

















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