Prevention of HIV among black African men under 30s in UK

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Prevention of HIV among black African men under 30s in UK

Explore communication theories and health behaviour models and apply these to communicating information in health
promotion practice.

Examine aspects of modern technology, IT, media and health campaigns with the view to understanding functions and
effects of communication in relation to health.

Main topics of study:
The relationship between communication, health and health promotion.
Health promotion theoretical models.
Social and psychological factors influencing communication.
Skills needed for effective communication.
The planning, design and implementation of effective health campaigns.
The roles, uses and challenges of Mass media, social marketing and Information Technology in the promotion of health.
Facilitation of effective communication in a range of settings.
Evidence and research to information communication in practice

Learning Outcomes for the module


1 Describe the active components, theories and models of communication and apply these to a health context.

Thinking skills

2. Critically analyse the roles of mass media, social marketing & information technology in current health contexts
and examine their uses, impacts, outcomes and applications for health promotion

Subject-based practical skills

5. Use evidence, research and health promotion theory and be able to apply this to a practical context.

Skills for life and work (general skills)

6. Write, discuss, debate, present and critique around the concepts of communication and health


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