Paper title: Practicum proposal
Academic level: University
Pages: 6
Source amount: 1
Subject: Course proposal
Formatting style: MLA
Type: Essay
Details: The Practicum provides students with the opportunity to make original intellectual and creative contributions by undertaking a project that fosters academic development, civic engagement, and personal growth. chosen course: VIS 108 Course description: A studio course for serious art students at the advanced level. Stress will be placed on individual creative problems. Specific orientation of this course will vary with the instructor. Topics may include film, video, photography, painting, performance, etc. May be repeated twice for credit. My background: I am major in studio art, and interested in oil painting which are sweet desserts as subject. I also want to try sculpture in the future. After graduate, I want to go to grad school to improve myself more. Answer the following questions: 1. Why did you choose to do this course for your Practicum Project? 2. Describe the course and list your responsibilities. 3. How does this project relate to your personal and/or professional goals? (Responses must be between 600 – 1300 characters for each question)