Power Shell Script

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Power Shell Script

Power Shell Script

tasks. The Five tasks will not include the Exit function. The user must be prompted through each of the steps. You must use the switch statement not “if” or “elseif” statements for menu choices.
• All menu choices must include output that informs the user what task has been selected; What will be accomplished by the choice he selected. This information must include:
o Date the task was completed
o What was done
o Name and location of all files created.
o Thank the user for his cooperation
o Menu must reappear until the user choices to quit the program. If the user chooses to quit the program inform him of his choice.

• At least one of your activities must produce output in the form of files (more than one file). Produce at least three differen file types: .txt, .csv, .html.
• You must produce output in at least three different formats; Format-wide; Format-Table; Foramt-List; Sort.
• at least one decision (For Loop)
• at least one Do Loop
• at least one pipeline
• at least one code block
• at least one Array
• All choices in Menu should support a function
All Students must create the script below. The instructions above are intended to “help clarify” what are the minimum requirements that the script listed below must accomplish.
Menu Choice 1: Allow a user to create directories/folders of thier choice. And store a file in each folder. Folder and file names should be the same. ex.: joe1joe1.txt; joe2joe2.txt. in addition:
• The selection should prompt the user for the location of the new folder
• The Selection should tell them how many folders were created, thier names and the location of each folder.
Menu Choice 2: Create Organizational Units; Create users in Organizational Unit; Create groups in Organizational Units; Add users to groups in Organizational Units: List the objects created in each organizational unit:




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