Photo Fakery
A fake photo is a photo which has been altered and its original nature and form interfered with in one way or the other. With the 21st century and the invention of computers making of fake images has become an easy task. Differentiating an original photo from a fake one is not easy, it takes close examination to figure out a fake photo.
The above image shows an example of a fake photo and the original one from which the fake one was from. There are many fakery techniques applied in making the photo. These include, changing contents of the original image, the insertion of additional content to the fake creation, incorporation of additional and more clear shading, tone, texture, and color to the fake photo.
Changing the contents of the original photo, the contents of the original image have been changed, for instance the background on the left. There is an object present in the left side background of the original caption which has been removed and is not available in the fake version. Checking the original caption carefully and closely shows that, additional contents have been added. For instance the intensity and amount of smoke coming from the object the athlete is carrying is more in the fake photo than in the original caption. There are also incorporations of clear shading, tone, texture, and bright color in the the fake photo. The fake photo is appealing to the eye as of higher quality than the original one in terms of layout and visibility. Knowing whether a photo is real or fake is hard especially if there is no suspicion on the credibility of the photo.
Description Of Two Photos
These are photos of ID number 2000.153.78 titled 3758 and photo of ID number 2000.14.16 titled 4938 Burial Vault In, Barcelona. The shadow reflection in the first photo is clear and visible, its features can be seen even from a distance. The photo was likely taken on a sunny day since the background shows clear and bright sky. Its shadow reflection also shows that it was captured on a sunny bright day probably in the mid day. The photo is in black and white mode, if the caption was taken in a colored mode the reflection, shadow, background, and features visibility would have been clearer the in the black and white version. The reflections and shadows of light in this first picture make the visibility of the picture captive and attractive. Its appeal to the eye is commendable.
The second photo of ID number 2000.14.16 titled 4938 Burial Vault In, Barcelona is also in black and white version. The caption of this photo is in semi closed opening setting. The image caption is in a tunnel like background making its background and not clear. The reflections and shadows of light in the photo are not clear. These may result from poor lighting during the caption time, probably, the photo caption took place in the evening when sunlight intensity was low. Since the black and white version of the photo is already unclear definitely the colored version will not be any better. The visibility of the colored version will show poor, dark, and unclear reflections. Shadows of light will also be unclear since the lighting in the setting environment is not sufficient. The black and white version of the second photo is more appealing than its colored version.