Part of the goal of this module is to give you “new eyes” with which to view the world around you. With this in mind, record and discuss any aspects of gendered language that you encounter in your daily lives during the semester —for example, conversations you have participated in, discussion in the media, examples found during your daily reading, TV watching. a sexist advert. etc. — which you think worthy of comment.

On the basis of the News on page 466, how do U.S. furniture manufacturers feel about NAFTA? How about farmers?
August 3, 2017
August 3, 2017
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Part of the goal of this module is to give you “new eyes” with which to view the world around you. With this in mind, record and discuss any aspects of gendered language that you encounter in your daily lives during the semester —for example, conversations you have participated in, discussion in the media, examples found during your daily reading, TV watching. a sexist advert. etc. — which you think worthy of comment.

Part of the goal of this module is to give you “new eyes” with which to view the world around you. With this in mind, record and discuss any aspects of gendered language that you encounter in your daily lives during the semester —for example, conversations you have participated in, discussion in the media, examples found during your daily reading, TV watching. a sexist advert. etc. — which you think worthy of comment.

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