Task 1 – you have made some valid observations re. the two organisations here and how they are managed re. employees etc. I would expect to see some more explicit links to some of the content that you have studied in the learning materials here – so can you show the org structures of each org in terms of functional, geographical structures etc? with some appropriate org structure diagrams showing the different structures? Also can you describe the orgs cultures re. Handys cultures e.g. role, task etc and explain why?
Also you would need to discuss influences on individual behaviour at work (personality, attitude etc) this is also covered in the learning materials. I am not asking you to repeat what you have read in the learning materials but t apply it more closely to the organisations you have chosen to write about here – that way you would be responding much more directly to the assignment tasks set and would be able to achieve the specific assessment criteria required for a Pass grade.
Task 2 – again you have mentioned some valid theories here – but they are not the ones that I would expect you to have studied – so I would expect you to write about management approaches such as contingency and scientific etc instread of the ‘nudge’ theory etc that you refer to here. Text such as this “In-N-Out Burger sacrifices a few extra dollars on each order so that they can provide better quality food to its customers. Not only are the meats never frozen nor do they contain preservatives, the fries are made from whole potatoes and the milkshakes made from real milk ” are not really relevant to your answers here and so should not really be included.
Task 3 – here you have not really analysed any motivation theories etc and have commented on the operations of the business instead – you must readdress this prior to submission because what you have written here is not answering the question set and so will not meet the learning outcomes.
Task 4 – what you write is valid but again does not address the question directly enough – e.g. you do not mention the impact of technology on team working within the organisation here.
Overall you must read the assignment questions very carefully and respond directly to each aspect of each question. You should also cross reference our answers with the assessment criteria for a pass(these are indicated next to each assignment question) to ensure that you have covered everything.
My original feedback to you did indicate that there was “little evaluation of how relevant and appropriate organisation and management concepts are applied in the organisation/s in your answers ” and unfortunately that is still the case based on what you have sent me here.
If you are unsure of what to do next please do come back to me and try to explain what you do not understand…….
There is not much time left between now and final submission date so please send me a reworked answer of TASK 1 in the first instance, asap so that I can see whether you have taken on board what I have said here in your answers