Office Tigers Custom Essay

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Office Tigers Custom Essay

In the modern day work place, senior managers have to live up to the calling and chat the way forward by offering a great example and therefore become an inspiration to those who are below them in the organizational ladder. If I were a senior manager at Office Tigers, I would initiate a change process so as to improve the organization. Introduction It is not uncommon to witness petty rivalries in the office and therefore it is the duty of the senior managers to guide such energies in the right path and tap those to the benefit of the firm. If the energies of the employees are not well harnessed and synchronized with thee organizational aspiration, the overall morale of the workers is greatly affected. Due to the high expectations of employees in many organizations, employees become stressed-out and therefore there is a need to offer the much required leadership so as to ensure a well-motivated and inspired workforce. In my opinion, Office Tigers is not being run well

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