Nero and why he was a good emperor Custom Essay

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Nero and why he was a good emperor Custom Essay

Nero and Why He Was a Good Emperor Student Name History Tutor 18 April, 2014 December 15, A.D. 37 marked the day Nero was born in Antium. He was of the Julian-Claudian line and the son of Domitius Ahenobarbus and Julia Agrippina, the niece of Emperor Claudius. The first wife of Emperor Claudius (Valeria Messalina) died violently and he married Julia, adopted her son (Nero) and even gave him in marriage to his own daughter (Octavia). During his childhood, he considered himself a great singer and poet. Nero’s mother had throughout wanted him to become emperor and was ready to commit any crime just to see him on the throne. To prepare him for the throne, she appointed Annaeus Seneca as his tutor and influenced Afranius Burrus’ appointment as commander of the Praetorian Guard. Nero became emperor at seventeen after the sudden death of Claudius and the two men became his advisors. Although Agrippina expected to be part of Nero’s government, her autocratic character led to her dismissal from government within a short time. This action indicated that Nero wanted a leadership that allowed participation of others and input in decision making (a democratic approach to leadership).[Bernard W. Henderson 1903, The Life And Principate Of The Emperor Nero (London: Methuen & Co., 1903),

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