
Do some research on what historical contexts inform Lessing’s and Rushdie’s short stories? When were they written?
August 3, 2017
August 3, 2017
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Management: Organizational Journal

Each entry should be approximately At the beginning of that entry, state the unit number and name (i.e., Unit 1 – Leadership). There are 12 units, so at the end, you should have a minimum of 10 entries. These are as follows:
(1) Leadership, Managing in the 21st Century; (2) Teams/Groups/Conflict; (3)
(4) Empowerment &Bullying; (5) Communication; (6) Planning/Control/Quality; (7&8) Ethics& Decision Making; (9) Diversity; and (10) Organizational Change.
Some modules cover two units, which will necessitate you making two entries. Each entry should include insights you gained from the required text reading, along with real life experiences or applications of the knowledge learned. This may include how a situation at work (or a work situation in general) could be improved using the concepts provided in the course module.
Your Journal should be in a WORD document, or saved in PDF or RTF format. Each entry should be approximately 1 page (single spaced). At the beginning of the page, please state the unit number and name.
The entry should include your observations and insights gained from that particular unit. Include stories from work, news, or other musings. Each entry should be buttressed with research support. The purpose of this exercise is for you showcase your mastery of the material by applying course concepts.


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