Mathematics, Math Problem

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Mathematics, Math Problem

Regression Analysis: TOUNCES versus WEEKS, GAINED, MAGE, SMOKE

The regression equation is
TOUNCES = -106+5.39WEEKS+0.158GAINED+0.422MAGE-2.57SMOKE

294 cases used, 6 cases contain missing values
Predictor Coef SE Coef T P
Constant -105.99 15.01 -7.06 0.000
WEEKS 5.3854 0.3610 14.92 0.000
GAINED 0.15822 0.07703 2.05 0.041
MAGE 0.4223 0.1709 2.47 0.014
SMOKE -2.567 2.986 -0.86 0.391

S=17.5727 R-Sq=45.9% R-Sq(adj)=45.2%

Analysis of Variance
Source DF SS MS F P
Regression 4 75867 18967 61.42 0.000
Residual Error 289 89244 309
Total 293 165111

Source DF Seq SS
WEEKS 1 72063
GAINED 1 1607
MAGE 1 1968
SMOKE 1 228

Unusual Observations
Obs WEEKS TOUNCES Fit SE Fit Residual St Resid
9 39.0 79.00 116.92 1.56 -37.92 -2.17R
19 23.0 19.00 28.66 5.92 -9.66 -0.58 X
27 39.0 162.00 118.98 1.23 43.02 2.45R
33 29.0 56.00 65.70 4.10 -9.70 -0.57 X
34 37.0 160.00 113.32 3.25 46.68 2.70R
40 45.0 113.00 153.77 2.61 -40.77 -2.35R
85 40.0 166.00 124.05 1.38 41.95 2.39R
93 33.0 93.00 98.69 4.12 -5.69 -0.33 X
94 28.0 51.00 56.54 4.37 -5.54 -0.33 X
95 41.0 96.00 131.12 2.21 -35.12 -2.01R
115 39.0 79.00 120.82 1.47 -41.82 -2.39R
126 36.0 65.00 106.88 1.69 -41.88 -2.39R
148 28.0 21.00 57.26 4.20 -36.26 -2.12RX
214 39.0 161.00 115.18 1.94 45.82 2.62R
222 25.0 25.00 48.23 5.30 -23.23 -1.39 X
226 40.0 129.00 128.47 3.98 0.53 0.03 X
249 31.0 113.00 78.16 3.07 34.84 2.01R
256 40.0 181.00 129.58 1.88 51.42 2.94R
264 37.0 64.00 108.63 1.38 -44.63 -2.55R
276 25.0 33.00 40.99 5.34 -7.99 -0.48 X
R denotes an observation with a large standardized residual.
X denotes an observation whose X value gives it large leverage.


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