Topic: (c) Managing different generations in the workforce is simple. Evaluate this statement. (c) Managing different generations in the workforce is simple. Evaluate this statement.
Word Limit: 1,250 words maximum. The word limit includes everything except a table of contents and the list of references: therefore quotes and in-text references are included. There is a plus or minus allowance of 10% (1,125 to 1,375) words; however it is important that if you go over 1,200 words then the additional words must “add value”. The essay rubric setting out the criteria is contained in the Unit Outline. As a guide to how you allocate the word limit based on the weighting of the criteria is set out below. A suggested breakdown (this is simply one suggestion as there are many different ways to structure the essay) across the parts of the assignment is as follows: • Introduction/Rational for choice of topic 225 words • Analyse, assess ,evaluate HR literature 550 words • Well supported conclusions and practical implications 375 words