Management Current events

Evaluate the strength of the arguments that suggest we are obligated to provide for those who are, economically, much worse off than ourselves.
August 3, 2017
Franchise Profile
August 3, 2017
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Management Current events

Management Current events


Project description
According to the schedule discussed in your Appendix, each student will be responsible for identifying and discussing management-related news reports of stories that you run across during the week. Topics such as motivating employees in a difficult environment, leading contemporary organizations, diversity and inclusion, groups and teams, organizational culture and values and innovation and creativity are frequently found in the business press. If the source is available online (such as or other news outlets), feel free to give us the URL; do not cut and paste the article as this may be a copyright infringement. This is one way that we will make the course very current and explores the many management related issues that are constantly in the news. Be sure to relate the article to course concepts in your discussion.
This is the grade rubric that will be used for each current event. (2 point per current event)
Grade Rubric for Current Events-2 points each, 2 current events per term (Weeks 2 and 4) Points
(2) Score
Meets criterion of “current event” .50
Discussion and relates to course concepts (1-2 pages) 1.00
URL or other source given .50


The topics and question of this week discussion board which have to be related to the current even are:
1. Discuss the consequences of job dissatisfaction to the organization. Discuss your jobs (or jobs of people they are familiar with) relative to things that make you satisfied or dissatisfied. Finally, look at the list of job factors on page 89 of the text and list the top 10 job satisfaction factors for you in order of their importance.

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