Management concepts

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Management concepts

Management concepts

Select an organization that you are currently working in, worked in the past, or are very familiar with. The closer you are to the organization, the easier the research. Use our text as a guide for conducting your research.

Major topics area of the research paper will include: (1) introduction, (2) body, (3) conclusion, and (4) references.

Sub topics for the body of the research paper should include: (a) diversity management, (b) ethical, social, and legal responsibilities, (c) international business, (d) general planning and strategic planning, (e) organizing work and synergism, (f) organization structure and chart (g) work teams utilization, (h) staffing, (i) employee training and development, (j) motivating employees, (k) leadership and management, (l) managing conflict and stress, (m) managing change, (n) controlling, (o) appraising and rewarding, (p) operations management and plans,and (q) operations control.

Action & due dates:
Organizational name that will be used in the research should be posted by Sunday, Week 2, in “Topic Research” under “Course Home”. The due date for the research paper is Sunday, Week 7. It must be dropboxed as a Microsoft Word attachment.

Style and Form:
A template is provided and must be used. The research paper template is available in Doc Sharing (top tab between “chat” and “dropbox”). Utilize APA format, with instructor preferences as denoted in the template and rubric. The research paper should be at least ten pages, exclusive of the cover page and reference page. There is no deduction for papers that exceed the minimum. An excellent site for APA format information is: Purdue Online Writing Lab – APA Formatting and Style Guide


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