Topic: Logistics Major oil companies import a vast range of materials from their overseas suppliers to supply their global offshore oilfields. The equipment is temporarily stored in offshore supply bases next to the main seaports close to the offshore fields, and comprises the following materials: Drilling Equipment – Drill pipes, Drilling bits, Blowout Preventers, Drilling fluid, Casing pipes, Cement; Subsea equipment – Flowlines, Christmas Trees (Wellhead pumping mechanisms); General Equipment, i.e. electric motors, power generators, filtration systems, pumping mechanisms, general components. You should consider all the types of international transport that can be used, namely sea freight, air freight and offshore supply vessels. Also, you should advise on the appropriate procedures for this import operation, as well as arrange the necessary documentation for each shipment. Coursework Specification and Corresponding Marks Your task is to assess the following factors and summarise your findings in the form of an essay: The optimum and most cost-effective ways of moving these materials, including special care arrangements during carriage; The best way of storing these materials prior to moving them offshore to each of the platforms;