Liberty Theological Seminary

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Liberty Theological Seminary

Liberty Theological Seminary

Book Title
Book Critique

Prof. ___________

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Author Information

Information should be placed here in order to build a brief paragraph or two about the author which is pertinent to the paper. You may obtain this information from their personal website or from their book. Whichever you choose, you must make sure to paraphrase and to “use quotations where necessary,” and also make sure to cite any source that you use throughout the entire paper.

Content Summary

This will serve as an overview/summary of the book, not merely a chapter breakdown.Please do not use this type of summary: Chapter 1 – says this; Chapter 2 – says that. Instead, break it down by main points of concern for the author and use these as your natural breaks.


This will act as your critique of the book.Here, you will interact with the text and place your positive and negative critiques in regards to the book.Make sure that what you are writing is intellectual and not merely spiteful criticism or blind consent.Your conclusion should contain a valid statement about the book’s value in its larger academic context.


You must make sure to follow Turabian formatting here. Bibliographies must be self-contained—starting their own page, must have consistent formatting with the rest of the paper, and the sources mustbe single-spacedbut double-spaced in between sources. I will give you a tip that will make you want to give me moneyand if you would like to, I can certainly send you my mailing address.Go to and you can enter the source information into their search engine which will format that information and import it into a bibliography for you.You will need to register to use the website, but it is well worth it.Make sure to change the formatting type to Turabian, as I believe it defaults to MLA.

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