Legal liberalism

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Legal liberalism

Legal liberalism
This assignment requires you to analyze and critique the decision in R. v. Williams from a perspective of Liberalism
Your paper will be no more than 6-8 typed, double-spaced pages in length, not including appendices (see below), and it will include three distinct but well-integrated components, including:
• A summary of the case which you briefed. You will draw upon the brief to summarize the case in proper essay form. You must also attach the brief to your assignment. It is acceptable to make corrections and revisions to your brief if necessary.
• A brief statement describing your understanding of Liberalism – what are the basic elements of this perspective? You need to understand Liberalism before you can think about how Liberalism would construe a particular decision.
• An explanation of the decision from a perspective of Liberalism – you will need to filter the case through the lens of Liberalism. What does that lens tell you to pay attention to? What is important about this decision from the perspective of Liberalism?
Remember that this is an essay, and thus it is expected that your assignment will be in proper essay form, and will be properly referenced. You are not required to go beyond the course materials, but if you choose to do so, please be sure to provide full citations for each source consulted and/or quoted in your paper (you are especially encouraged to consult the source referenced below!).
A good resource for understanding Legal Liberalism can be found at: Richard F. Devlin, “Mapping Legal Theory”, (1994) 32 Alberta Law Review (N.3) 602 (this is a hint – you really want to look at this paper!).

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