Leadership challenges at Hewlett-Packard.

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Leadership challenges at Hewlett-Packard.

In this case, you will analyse the organisational behaviour issues that contributed to the leadership challenges at HP. (Please note: you will need to address more than just the leadership issues themselves in this case study. Analysing the issues means going beneath the surface to find out why things happened.)

We go through a suggested format in one of our tutorials (detailed notes are available on Moodle):

1. Introduction to organisation / background
2. Identify problems and analyse them
3. Generate and evaluate some solutions
4. Make recommendations
You may use another format as long as you ensure you are meeting the criteria for assessment. The assignment completion date is 10 December 2013 and the assignment should be submitted via the link on Moodle. Late work will be penalised.
The assignment should be 3,000 words in length (+/- 10%) & will be graded on:
1. Your critical analysis of the case material
2. Your use of wider research literature to support your discussion and analysis
3. The degree to which you structure and develop a coherent argument throughout
4. General presentation and appropriate referencing (if in any doubt about referencing and plagiarism, please look at the MMU guide to referencing). You should use Harvard referencing, with a minimum of 10 good quality references (academic journals and subject-specific textbooks).

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