Detail how to manage a systems project. Include different techniques, software, tools, processes, risk assessments, causes for success/failure, human perspective, group dynamics, etc.
August 3, 2017
Case Analysis Report
August 3, 2017
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answer those questions in short answer
Data Analysis
1. Did your experimental results indicate that there is a wide range in the effectiveness of various allelopathic chemicals used by plants?
2. What were some of the possible sources of error in your experimental design? What are the confounding variables?
3. How could the control container with 100% soil and no leaves be a possible source of error in the experiment?
4. How might knowledge about allelopathic chemicals be used to create natural herbicides and help to promote sustainable agriculture?
5. Do you think that scientists should use their bioengineering skills to remove the genes from allelopathic plants that are responsible for producing allelotoxins and splice those genes into non allelopathic food crop plants in an effort to reduce the need for herbicides and insecticides?
6. Why might knowledge of allelopathic effects be important to farmers who are concerned about crop to crop and weed to crop interactions?
7. Many ecosystems are dependent on low intensity ground fires as opposed to catastrophic wildfires which can destroy important soil decomposers such as fungus and nitrogen fixing bacteria. How do allelochemicals help to reduce the possibility of catastrophic wildfires occurring in forest and other ecosystems?

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