Kennedy and the Bay of Pigs

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Kennedy and the Bay of Pigs

Kennedy and the Bay of Pigs

write acase study essay on “Kennedy and the Bay of Pigs” article. Please diagnose the problems in a case and formulate possible solutions by evaluating and analyzing the leadership, decision-making, group dynamic, power & conflict, and/or organizational culture and change in the “Kennedy and the Bay of Pigs” article.
• Write an essay to analyze the underlying reasons for the failure of President Kennedy’s action.
• Need to draw at least six relevant literature readings and concepts to explain what insights and lessons we can learn from that failure.
• The essay should be 6 typed pages, double-spaced, and written clearly.
• The essay should demonstrate a clear understanding of the case being analyzed.
• THe essay can be organized around three questions: What? Why? How?
• Clearly state what will you do in response to the question
• Provide arguments and evidence to justify your position; consider the advantages and disadvantages of your position
• Be specific about what will you do, e.g., what is your goal, steps to take (short- and long-term), any potential risk and how do you respond.

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