iproject :optimisation of my personal online profile
i have done my website for advance web designe and report
please note that the ecommerce assignment is related to advance web designe all detailes will be provided
detailes of the task:
a) Create an optimised personal digital profile sufficient to apply for a job of your choice
b) “Job Interview” – Peer assessment from interview session and formative feedback
c) Assessment Report 1000 words – combination of work done – portfolio and reflection on feedback, including plan for further development of personal digital profile.
Please note that
Full details of the Job Interview sessions will be upload it
The artefacts produced for the eCommerce assignment should also be used for the Advanced Web module. The eCommerce assignment focuses primarily on the content, whereas Advanced Web is primarily focused on the technical infrastructure.
Analysis – 50 marks:
You must conduct a market research analysis for those key skills and attributes that are desired by potential employers, in an area where you would like to work. This should include the keywords for main industry specific skills, key influencers and individuals who would make employment decisions or help in your application process.
This section can include: – a tabular extract from Keyword Research (see practical exercises and examples of keyword research spread sheets on Blackboard). Screen shots of current competitors ranking for your primary keyword terms using different tools such as Google Keyword research tool, Google Trends, Google Insights for Search etc.
Plan – 50 marks:
Based on your analysis, you must produce an eCommerce strategy for the next year and a business plan that identifies you as an individual who is looking for to establish a career in this field. This would include your online profile development with a view to being identified by employers as their preferred candidate.
This section can include: –
Your long-term plan or strategy – what it is that you want to be known for and how this will help you in your future career.
Key SMART objectives – for your strategy implementation – using the Specific, Measurable, Achievable Realistic and Time bound indicators. These can be justified with industry benchmarks or examples of other profiles that you are using as a “template” or “guide” for your personal identity.
Document the selection of specific Social Media Services. For example if you choose Facebook – how will it help your employment or business development (using perhaps screenshots of statistics from Google ad planner on profiles of users etc)? If you have chosen LinkedIn – why have you joined it and how do you link it to Twitter if at all and why? If you choose and App why and how will this be used?
A Gantt chart – indicating the main tasks you will be engaged in to implement your eCommerce strategy with clear starting dates and should start with the day the assignment was handed out and end at the end of the second semester.
Risk Assessment – outlining the main risks their potential impact and how you are going to monitor and mitigate these.
Practical plan implementation:
As part of this process you have to practically implement your plan, an aspect of which has to be an optimised blog post, which will allow you to be noticed by the industry. You are free to choose your own blogging platform, but if you are not going to do so you will need to publish at least one blog post on the www.creativehive.org blog. One of the key criteria for your assessment is the implementation of as many eCommerce strategies as appropriate for your Search Engine Results Page (SERP) positioning. For example, how you have approached search engine optimisation, social media (including video, audio, etc) or mobile opportunities. The more of your profiles you manage to rank on the first three pages, the higher your chances of being noticed. The keyword for the SEPR positioning is your “first and last name” for example “Aleksej Heinze” or “Maria Kutar”. At least one other primary keyword for which you have to optimise your profiles is that related to the industry that you have identified in your plan.
This section can include: –
Based on your plan (primary and secondary keywords) demonstrate how you put the theory into practice by developing and optimising your profile using appropriate online channels.
Screenshots of SERPS before and after you have started your project highlighting your digital identities and explaining how this will benefit you in the long term.
Screenshots of your different profiles and indication of how you have used your keyword research to optimise on-page and off-page assets. For example how you wrote your Twitter profile description and used the primary keyword in the choice of your user name and linking to your other online properties.
If you are using LinkedIn how you completed your professional profile and how you identified the relevant user discussion groups etc.
For the blog post you could take a screen shot and highlight in the code the positions of your keywords and their importance in helping you to rank well.
(Total: 100 marks)