Introduce each review: the purpose, what you will cover in the review and how you generally respond to the authors’ viewpoint and adoption of latest technology.
2. Explain what you consider as important issues highlighted and dealt with in each article.
3. Critique the shortcomings you discovered in each article (i.e., what was overlooked, assumed, and not discussed that is RELEVANT to the topic, recommend improvements).
4. Make your concluding remarks.
When you have published your reviews to the blog, copy and paste the reviews into a word document. You will need to reformat the content to suit the different media. Please ensure that the word document is well-presented, similar to a report.
This assignment is all about ‘learning by doing’. Students will access a range of articles from a number of online locations that cover current trends IT and information services. In critically reviewing the articles, students will develop their knowledge of the digital environment and its role in information service provision. Students will create a blog and will use it to publish reviews of each article, gaining experience in using online tools to publish content on the web. This assignment develops the following learning objectives. In completing this assignment students will demonstrate:
Critical reflection