International Busines Case Review

Explain how you determined that the selected organization showed the signs of the culture that you have identified.
August 3, 2017
Writer’s choice
August 3, 2017
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International Busines Case Review

Read the following case to prepare for the case brief:   ?Blue Ridge Spain? (Course Pack)   Suggested Guidance Questions for Brief Analysis   The following questions are offered as a guideline for your analysis. These do not have to cover all the issues raised by the case. Some of these other issues may be more important in your opinion and you can support them.   Delta, Blue Ridge, Terralumen, Sodegran, Alvarez and Costas are central in this case.   ?What are the main issues from each one’s point of view?  ?Given these issues, if you were Sodegran, what would you do? Why?  ?If you were Costas, what would you do? Why?  ?Should Delta Foods insist on the dissolution of Blue Ridge Spain? Why?  Guidelines for case briefs:   ?Briefs should not exceed 500 words. In addition, you can append your own explanatory exhibits that summarize your own analysis to support your position. Each exhibit you decide to include must be referred to in your brief with a clear explanation of the exhibit?s contribution. Although you must answer all questions provided with the case, your brief should NOT be written as a homework assignment (e.g. Question 1 then Answer, and so on). Rather you should start with an introductory paragraph where you identify the key issue(s) explaining why this (these) is (are) the key issue(s); then you provide clear recommendations or solutions to the key issue(s) supported by robust analysis. Remember to show alternatives you considered and why you may have rejected these. Case questions might be the key issue(s) or at minimum they direct you to the key issues(s). Use these case questions to help you in identifying the key issue(s) or at minimum they direct you to the key issue(s). Use these case questions to help you in identifying the key issue(s) and support your arguments.


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