Internal Control of Accounting SAP System

English as a second language
August 3, 2017
Public International Law
August 3, 2017
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Internal Control of Accounting SAP System

Internal Control of Accounting SAP System
SAP internal control writing assignment

Each SAP module will have one writing assignment question. Please note the following conditions for responding to it:

1. Only one person in your group may respond to each question.
2. Every person in your group must respond to one (and only one) question across the SAP modules.
3. The response must be 200 – 300 words in length; it must be submitted as an email attachment by the due date noted in your syllabus. Please use Arial 12-point font with one-inch margins to prepare your response; also, please ensure your name appears on the response.
4. I’ll consider three factors in evaluating your writing assignment:
a. Does your response clearly and completely address the question?
b. Does your writing demonstrate a fundamental understanding of database concepts and their application in SAP?
c. Does your response rely on your original thinking, rather than quotations and paraphrases?
5. “A” responses will meet my expectations in all three evaluation areas; “B” responses will meet my expectations in two areas. “C” responses will meet my expectations in one area only.
6. Responses with any of the following characteristics will receive no credit:
a. They use English that would be considered inappropriate in the business world.
b. They incorporate quotations and / or paraphrases from other sources.
c. They do not conform to the length requirements specified above.
d. They meet none of the three criteria.

Please raise questions about these directions in any of the usual venues.

Consider all the work you’ve done in SAP so far. Although this assignment focused on segregation of duties as an internal control, other internal controls are also present in SAP. For example, requiring a password to log in promotes data integrity and information security. List and discuss two or three examples of additional internal controls you’ve observed in SAP.
Please note:
we can not use any sources/references.

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