Interest groups Custom Essay

Social Equity in Public Administration: Are Women Equal in The Public Sector or Are They Still Trying to Shatter The Glass Ceiling?
August 3, 2017
Compare Hinduism and Buddhism,compare and contrast them based on the Identify the origin of each religion, and discuss at least three (3) of its foundational spiritual beliefs.
August 3, 2017
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Interest groups Custom Essay

I agree with you that collective action theory does not appear to work because people are selfish like you said in your post.  There are just to many free-loaders that take advantage of the system or complete refuse to take part in the system in order for it to continually maintain itself.  As for the “anti-vaxxers,” one of my good friends is one, and both her and her husband have earned post-grad college degrees.  Not only does she avoid vaccinations for her two children at all cost, she makes her own medicines from all natural organic products.  In addition, she is obviously anti-flu shot too.  Her entire family was sick with the flu three times this year compared to my family that all received the flu shot being sick just one time, at the same time.

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