In what situations would you use “qualifications-based selection” procurement for a design-build project? What is the difference between Best Value: Total Cost and Best Value: Fees

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In what situations would you use “qualifications-based selection” procurement for a design-build project? What is the difference between Best Value: Total Cost and Best Value: Fees

Design-Build is a delivery method that combines the design team with the construction team into one entity. Selecting a design-build firm to provide design and construction services is much more intensive and detailed than selecting a general contractor for a design-bid-build project and many variations of procurement have been used to select a design-builder firm. Using the assigned readings from the textbook and the article “Comparing Procurement Methods for Design-Build Projects”, as well as any experiences or knowledge you have and any other resources, respond to the following questions:

In what situations would you use “qualifications-based selection” procurement for a design-build project?
What is the difference between Best Value: Total Cost and Best Value: Fees? How does each benefit the Owner?
Define the “One-Step Best Value” procurement method. In what circumstances would you use the one-step approach?
Define the “Two-Step Best Value” procurement method. In what circumstances would you use the two-step approach?

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