In the auction, suppose that you could entice additional bidders to attend your auction. However, none of the new bidders would have a valuation greater than $3.0 million. Despite that fact, you expect the amount that the winning bidder must pay to increase regardless of the type of auction you use (first- or second-price sealed bid). For each auction, explain why you would expect the auction price to increase.

August 3, 2017
book review
August 3, 2017
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In the auction, suppose that you could entice additional bidders to attend your auction. However, none of the new bidders would have a valuation greater than $3.0 million. Despite that fact, you expect the amount that the winning bidder must pay to increase regardless of the type of auction you use (first- or second-price sealed bid). For each auction, explain why you would expect the auction price to increase.

Analyze the scenarios MUST with economic concept:

1. In the auction, suppose that you could entice additional bidders to attend your auction. However, none of the new bidders would have a valuation greater than $3.0 million. Despite that fact, you expect the amount that the winning bidder must pay to increase regardless of the type of auction you use (first- or second-price sealed bid). For each auction, explain why you would expect the auction price to increase. If you want, you may assume the valuations of the original four participants are $3.0, $2.2, $2.0 and $1.5 million.

2. A struggling company currently has a total value of $700,000. It owes $500,000 from debt financing (assume these are loans from the bank if you wish). The value of the company to the owners is the difference between the total value and the amount owed to the debt holders. What is the current value of the firm to the owners?

Now assume that a project is presented to the owners that results in a loss of the entire value of the company with a probability of 50% and results in a gain in value of $500,000 with probability 50% (resulting in a total value of $1,200,000). Show that this in expectation decreases the firm’s value, and explain why, in spite of that, the owners of the company would want to undertake the project.

Writing Requirements

Length: as needed (Show your calculations where appropriate.)
1-inch margins
Double spaced
12-point Times New Roman font

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