1. Due Friday, September 13. Give it to me in class or in the holder outside my office door (335 Keith) no later than 5:00. You can also email it to me (by 5:00), but the assignment requires photocopies in some form or another, so emailing might be difficult.
2. Do not put the assignment in a folder or plastic cover. Please make sure it is stapled. It must be word-processed or typed, not handwritten.
3. Part of the trick is to express yourself succinctly and precisely. Get to the point. Use details to back up your responses, but use only those details that are directly relevant. You may use whatever sources you can find, but do NOT plagiarize (that is, copy directly from a source). You may help each other prepare, but your final essays must be your own. Do your own work.
4. Any time you use a source outside of class lectures, you must cite that source – tell me the book or website from which you got the information (a note in parentheses will do).
5. I will grade the assignment based on accuracy, depth and sophistication of analysis, and writing quality. The entire assignment will take no more than three double-spaced pages of writing.
6. You must respond to both parts – you may not leave any part undone. The two parts of the assignment are not directly connected to each other.
Part I: Reading primary sources. Read and analyze your choice of ONE of these documents, referring to the steps below: #11 (Increase Mather), #8 (French missionaries – both parts), #12 (Pueblo Revolt), or #14 (James Barbot). Your analysis will take the form of a 700-word essay (about 2 ½ pages). The essay should use impeccable standard English and have a clear thesis statement in the first paragraph. Please refer to the writing guide posted in Course Documents in BlackBoard.
Your essay should take into account in some way the following five parameters. Do NOT organize the essay around them – just make sure that you account for them in developing your thesis. Do not start the essay by saying “I chose document # __ for my essay” or something of that sort. The first paragraph should make clear which document you used as it leads the reader toward the thesis statement.
A. Identify the document. What is it (speech, diary entry, letter, piece of legislation, etc)? Who wrote it or said it? When? For what audience?
B.. Explain the context of the document. What was happening at that time and in that place that helps make sense out of it?
C. What is a main point of the document? What the author wants to say about the subject at hand?
D. How did the writer or speaker his/her point? What evidence did he/she use? What specific arguments or observations did he/she make? Use direct quotations in your essay.