How the author presents the role of identity in determining one’s loyalty and betrayal

Critically analyze an article from Signs of Life in the USA(7th edition)
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How the author presents the role of identity in determining one’s loyalty and betrayal

How the author presents the role of identity in determining one’s loyalty and betrayal

How the author presents the role of identity in determining one’s loyalty and betrayal Paper details This is a 4000 word essay with the topic sentence described above. I will provide the book and essay guidelines.

The above topic sentence can be evaluated with the following things which can be read in the book.
i) the unpredictability of loyalty and devotion in man.
ii)Identity does not necessarily evoke loyalty
iii)Irony of one’s own betraying
iv) finding companionship, friendship, devotion, from unfamiliar domains
v) how this leads to a change of heart.

Where to look at: (Not complete yet)
Deeti’s marriage
Kaula-Deeti’s relationship
Paullete (her relationship with Jodu, Mr Burnham. how her identity is lost, trees plants)
Baba Nob Kissan (tiny betrayal of his own, loyalty towards Paullete. Ma Taramony)
Societal betrayal of widows (Ma Taramony)

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