How effective is solution focused therapy when working with infertility couples
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Group Project Proposal Outline
1. Title (the 1st page with authors’ name)
2. Introduction (1 page)
Briefly describe your study in two big paragraphs. Introduction, what other studies have found and the purpose of the study.
3. Literature review (synthesized all literature reviews) it has to has a logic of flow and organization (5-6 pages)
Combine each individual’s research articles to demonstrate
a. Summaries of research that has been done in the field
b. According to literature mentioned above, which aspect of the literature gap your study questions will address.
c. The purpose of the study, why you think it is important to explore your topic
d. Research questions (specify what are research questions that your study will answer, including those variables you want to study)
The literature review should be from broad to narrow, and finally focus on the research topic you want to examine (quantitative study)or explore (qualitative study).
1. When you write literature review, synthesize the similar findings across different studies. BY doing this, you do not summary each study and it becomes way too long. I do not mean that you cannot summary each study at all. But you need to find a good balance between synthesize and simply summary the studies. Also, when you make APA direct citation, your need to limit 40 words. So you cannot just copy/paste whatever the author wrote, you need to paraphrase in your own words to support the points you want to make.
2. Also, pay attention to different findings across different studies, what are some factors that contribute to those inconsistent findings (e.g. different methodology, different participants, some other variables that have not be studied in the past literature….etc. )? this also helps you to identify the gap of literature and why you want to do your study.
3. In the end of literature review, you need to demonstrate the purpose of the study and outline your research questions. Supposedly the literature gap will tell you the direction of your study. You certainly cannot address all literature gaps at one time, be specific what to focus in your study. The purpose of the study is like an umbrella that covers your research questions. Each research questions helps you to define the scope of your research area (the shadow of the umbrella).
4. Pay attention to the logic of flow and organization. Creating titles and subtitle helps you to decide what needs to be included in your literature review. Creating titles and subtitles also helps you to decide how much proportion you need to write. This gives you clear ideas how much you need to write in your busy schedule.
5. It needs to be APA format (starting from the title page…..e.g., do not put my name on the cover page of your paper). Pay attention to your grammar and punctuation!
6. At least 16-20 references. Must be accurate to the standards of APA.
You certainly need to start reading from somewhere. Pay attention to the reference lists and the references that are frequently cited by authors. You definitely want to pull out those frequently cited references especially if they are highly related to your topic. Pay attention to the key words the author used in writing up their articles and use those key words to research.