How African Affected the religion in United States (America religion) Custom Essay

Companies and Securities Law
August 3, 2017
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August 3, 2017
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How African Affected the religion in United States (America religion) Custom Essay

Religion for African Americans began as a result of hundreds of years they spent in slavery and undue prejudice and discrimination. Many of the people with African descent turned to Christianity to gain spiritual and social consolation as well as material gain. The church was the sole existing institution that the African Americans built, developed and managed. With passage of time the church became a channel of accessing social amenities such as schools for African American children. One of the main contributors to African American religion was WEB Du Bois indicated that the African American Church provided a place where social interaction thrived. It was a music haven, information hub, a meeting place as well as a place where major political leaders such Martin Luther King Junior had social ties. Many African Americans found kinship ties in the church.

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