Hinton Rowan Helper &The Impending Crisis of the South

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Hinton Rowan Helper &The Impending Crisis of the South

Hinton Rowan Helper &The Impending Crisis of the South

The Following assignment is meant to test your analytical skills when reading primary documents.

Remember, it this is not merely an exercise in telling me what the authors said, but discuss what they

mean. Write a 2-page paper.  sure to put your name on the paper.  If you have any questions please let

me know.

Read Hinton Rowan Helper’s The Impending Crisis of the South, 1857, then write a two page paper

explaining why Helper wanted slavery in the South abolished.  What are Helper’s arguments against

slavery and slave owners in the South, why does he believe that slavery is holding the South back?  Why

does he sees it as an unfair system?  Is it significant that Hinton Rowan Helper is a white Southerner and

making these arguments?  How so?

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