Gender differences made between Maxine Carr and Ian Huntley

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Gender differences made between Maxine Carr and Ian Huntley

Gender differences made between Maxine Carr and Ian Huntley

Narrative analysis: In UK newspapers were gender differences made between Maxine Carr and Ian Huntley?


USE NEXIS UK for selecting newspaper articles that are applicable to the research question.

This is a qualitative based research assignment.
Steps in Analysing Media Content

?Select the remit of your study (the sample and ‘unit of analysis’)
?What papers will be examined and why (this will be determined by the research question, what it is you are interested in examining)
?What dates will the search cover and why
?Nature of the search and why (‘headlines’, ‘major mentions’ etc.)
Steps in Analysing Media Content
?Design the data collection instruments (this will be determined by what you want to examine)
?Set out your categories to be recorded
?Establish a coding matrix (or alternative form of recording)

?Examine each text and summarise the results in your matrix
?If qualitative you may be creating new categories as you go along
Steps in Analysing Media Content
?Analyse and interpret results in relation to your research question
?Examine meaning + relate to literature (e.g. news values)
?Identify narratives and relate to social narratives
?Ensure you answer/ relate your findings to your research question
?Write up results and analysis

Assignment Structure:
?Set the context to the issue: related literature on the topic; reference to a theory you might refer your findings to
?Provide some background to the case/ event/ issue
?Clearly state your research question/s

?Search terms
?Search remit
?Search dates

?What did your search yield (e.g. number of articles), and did you change/ refine it
?Themes and narrative
?Use illustrative quotes/ words/ headlines

?Discussion/ Conclusion:
?Relate what you found back to your research question
?Relate what you found to related literature/ theory (possibly that mentioned in the introduction)
Please include this in the introduction:
Chesney-Lind (1999) also outlines the differential responses to female and male offending, claiming that some degree of aggression in males is normalised and accepted. This according to Smart, (1976) is because violence perpetrated by men is typically viewed as a rational alternative to structural conditions, whereas violence perpetrated by women is viewed as irrational. Furthermore, according to Heindensohn (1985) when women are implicated in their male partners’ crimes they attract more public attention, with a longer lasting and more powerful image created of them.
Please use references from the following books:

* Jewkes, Y. (2011) Media and Crime, London: Sage *

Carrabine, E. (2008) Crime, Culture and the Media, Cambridge: Polity Press.

Greer, C. (ed.) (2010) Crime and Media: A Reader, Oxen: Routledge

Surette, R. (1998) Media, Crime, and Criminal Justice: Images and Reality, Belmont: Wadsworth (Chapters 5, 6 and 7)

Williams, P. and Dickinson, P. (1993) ‘Fear of crime: read all about it? The relationship between newspaper crime reporting and fear of crime’, British Journal of Criminology, vol. 33 (1), pp. 33-56

Nicholas W. Jankowski, N. W. and Klaus Bruhn Jensen, K. B. (eds) (1991) A handbook of Qualitative Methodologies for Mass Communication Research, London: Routledge.

Bryman, A. (2004) Social Research Methods, Oxford: Oxford University Press.


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