Functions of Management Custom Essay

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Functions of Management Custom Essay

Introduction Successful managers are those leading their organizations to predetermined targets by the use of available means. To accomplish this, there need to be guidelines, procedures, as well as resources. To attain this target, managers have to recognize five major functions that they have to play effectively; they include planning, leading, organizing, staffing, and controlling. Each of these functions helps managers in specific ways especially in their day-to-day managerial roles. The five ns have to be given equal and adequate amounts of time to ensure success (Gary, 2007). This is because they are all necessary elements in the development and success of any organization. As an effect, this essay critically analyses the application of these five managerial functions at my working place. Planning This managerial function deals with setting of company’s ultimate objectives, steps and tasks in a suitable manner. According to Gomez-Mejia, Balkin and Cardy (2008),

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