From the information in the case and your own insights, describe the positioning and brand essence of the SVEDKA vodka brand from early 1990s

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From the information in the case and your own insights, describe the positioning and brand essence of the SVEDKA vodka brand from early 1990s

1.From the information in the case and your own insights, describe the positioning and brand essence of the SVEDKA vodka brand from early 1990s (300 wORDS)

2.What are the threats facing the SVEDKA vodka brand (list all the threats in each year in this case, for example threat in 1980s, threat in 1990s )(400 words)?

3. Critically assess the option to launch a super-premium SVEDKA product as discussed in the case. Do you think it would have been a good idea for SVEDKA to launch a product in the super premium segment? Explain the reasons of your answer.(400 words)

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