Find an argument and list evidences to support it

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Find an argument and list evidences to support it

do research about Keith Haring’s political line exhibition, and find a argument between two art works of his exhibition, and give evidences to support your argument.

Contemporary Art, VSST: 228 Spring 2015
Writing Assignment #1 – Exhibition Review
Due: Thursday, February 26».
Parameters: 500-750 words, typed, double-spaced (no emails). Staple your admission ticket to
the front of the paper.
Subject: Keith Haring: The Political Line exhibitiOn at the De Young Museum
Your Assignment: Visit the exhibition on Thursday, February 12“. Meet your fellow students
at 9:30 am at the museum entrance. Bring your student ID and admission will be reduced to
$16. You should spend some time looking at this exhibition with the intention to write a review
of it. (When you are done viewing the exhibition you may stay in the museum as long as you
like.) Directions and info at: http:[ /devoting.famsforoi [devouno Z visitinyz getting-de-young
The show: In general, art exhibitions are no different from books, essays, or articles in that they
usually are making an argument or at least have a strong point-of-view. Try to determine the
argument or thesis of this exhibition. Then consider how the exhibition itself makes this
The objects/artworks: So, think about how each artwork in the show is like a paragraph
providing evidence to support this thesis. You may conclude that some of the works provide
good evidence of the thesis, while others distract from it, or introduce new directions or even
conflicting ideas.
Other things to consider: This may garner a minor mention in your review (it should not be the
focus). Supporting materials provided by the museum such as wall texts and labels, brochures,
reading room, etc…. How do these inform your ability to access the ideas and works in the
Write 500-750 words critically examining the exhibition. You need to make a convincing
argument, so be sure to have a thesis. Imagine you are writing this for an art magazine or arts
section of a newspaper. Read some examples in Artforum, ArtNews, The New York Times, The
SF Chronicle, etc…
1. Think about the genre and the audience (your imaginary readers).
2. What is the tone of the language or the “voice” typically used in such reVieWS?
3. How specialized are the terms used?
4. Are reviews usually even in their reporting of the good and bad about the exhibition or
do they tend to be overwhelmingly positive or negative?
Remember that good writing almost never happens on the first draft. So write a draft, read it,
share it, revise it and spell and grammar check it and printit out to hand in. ~ I
1. Make sure you have a clear thesis statement that introduces your point of View.
2. Analyze some works in the exhibition as evidence of your pomt of View.
3. Bring a draft to a coach at CCA’S Learning Resource Center (LRC) for feedback, help
with writing, English grammar, etc”-
Be aware of alternative viewpoints. You may have had a strong experience of. one aspect of the
exhibition, but remember that others may have connected to other ideas. ConSider this in your
writing. For example, it would be foolish to write something like: “Everyone Will love this
exhibition because it is so colorful!” You can’t speak for other people this way, yOu need to
persuade with this piece of writing.
Don’t praise-or damn-blindly. To turn opinion into critical analysis, back it upwith
evidence. What choices did the artist or curator make that resulted in success or failure?

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