Explain what is Sustainable Competitive advantages using organizations examples.

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August 3, 2017
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August 3, 2017
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Explain what is Sustainable Competitive advantages using organizations examples.

Explain what is Sustainable Competitive advantages using organizations examples.
You are required to study a country of your choice and its socio-cultural norms that affect its business practices. You will provide a report detailing that country’s social and cultural behaviour in terms of the theory covered within lectures, tutorials and text, including but not limited to the aspects of religion, language, non-verbal communication, contrasting cultural values and negotiation techniques within a business context.
You must analyse at least four (4) cultural issues pertinent to socio-cultural and religious environment of the country and express your opinion on them.
Every assignment must have a reflection (learning experience about that country) section after the conclusion of their work.
Your report should be in a business report format including a cover page, executive summary and appropriate references in Harvard style.

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