Explain the role of culture in identifying social issues as problems.

Why We Travel” by Paul Theroux: Prejudices and Traveling
August 3, 2017
Information communication Technology (ICT) question (individual)
August 3, 2017
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Explain the role of culture in identifying social issues as problems.



Students most often lost points because they do not follow the instructions. Initial forum postings should be a minimum of 250 words. Each student must also respond to a minimum of TWO fellow students’ postings; each response must be at least 100 words in length.
Responses to each question should draw on key concepts you have learned during the week’s reading. Please refer to the instructions under the Week 1 Discussion Forums for further instructions on netiquette, APA citations, and expectations in the discussion forums. See Appendix B in the syllabus for the grading scale.
Your “Initial Post” should have a subject line “DB: Defining Social Problems,” followed by your first and last name.”
Discussion Forum Questions:
Choose ONE of the following questions:
1) Citing our textbook material, to what extent is race and ethnicity a socially constructed category, versus something fundamentally real in society?
2) Citing our textbook material, should we define minorities in terms of gender as well as race and ethnicity? Defend your response.
Course Objectives:
The Week Two discussion forum will develop your ability to do the following Course Objective One
Identify specific social problems and their cause-effect patterns.
Course Objective five
illustrate how the sociological process enables us to identify various social concerns.
Course Objective Six
Explain the role of culture in identifying social issues as problems.
Course Objective Seven
Apply sociological theories to explain the occurrence and scope of these problems.

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