Explain Freud’s claim that dreams (and symptoms) are “over-determined” by referring to the primary process of condensation.

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August 3, 2017
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Explain Freud’s claim that dreams (and symptoms) are “over-determined” by referring to the primary process of condensation.

Order Description

The essay question is:

Explain Freud’s claim that dreams (and symptoms) are “over-determined” by referring to the primary process of condensation. How should the term “over-determination” be understood? In your answer, explain the nature of the psychological causation that governs imaginative associations.


1.Do not quote unless absolutely necessary. Do not paraphrase. USE YOUR OWN WORDS.

2.Include references when you quote. References to Freud: (“name of text”, S.E., vol#, p.#).

3.If you use questionable online sources such as wiki or answers.com, your answers and your mark will be just as bad.

4.Make sure you answer the question.

I’ll upload some articles of which you must use but feel free to refer to additional useful resources

The number of references I chose is not restricted meaning you can either exceed it or minimize it as long as you use at least 5 references it would be sufficient

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