Early and Pre-Release Programs

August 3, 2017
Self-concept: who we think we are vs. how others see us
August 3, 2017
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Early and Pre-Release Programs

You are the commissioner of the Office of Parole and Community Corrections and have been called before the local legislature to evaluate the effectiveness and risks of early-release and pre-release programs. Develop and write a presentation of about 2,400 words on the need for and types of such programs. Address the political and economic liabilities and public reactions to early release and pre-release programs. Couch your discussion in terms of public educational approaches you might make to garner support for your position (pro or con) concerning these programs.

You should be prepared to submit your written remarks to the legislature. Sources should be documented, and your writing should be free of distracting errors in grammar, spelling, punctuation and syntax.




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