Strategy and Strategic Planning 2
Check out the website of, which has a comprehensive review of strategic planning. The website is the brain-child of Dr. Ross A. Wirth, who has extensive experiences in management consulting.
However, the website is about general strategic planning, rather than IT planning. While you are learning from the website, you should consider the IT context and ask yourself the following questions:
Do the general principles and strategies of strategic planning apply to IT planning? What may apply, what may not, and why?
Please write a 2 page article to answer the above questions. You can start by pondering about what IT is so special that its planning differs from the general strategic planning. You can choose to either discuss comprehensively of many perspectives or focus on two or three main perspectives that strike you the most. Bring your own experiences to support your arguments. If you don’t have any relevant experiences, ask your colleagues or those who handle strategic planning in your organization.