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Abstract[AP – DLA 1]

The education system has the responsibility of ensuring that racial and ethnic diversities are cared for within the school environment. Teachers can use students’ racial and ethical diversities to achieve better performance[AP – DLA 2] . [AP – DLA 3] Research shows that teachers who implement learning styles that form a common ground for all the cultures ensure the right attitude [AP – DLA 4] of the students. Research reveals the relationship between the student performances [AP – DLA 5] across various racial backgrounds. The creation of cross-racial groups is a tool that can improve the cultural diversities. [AP – DLA 6]



Recent[AP – DLA 7]  movements and resettlements [AP – DLA 8] have led to development of multicultural societies made up of different races. Race and ethnicity identify individuals based on origin[AP – DLA 9] , language, color[AP – DLA 10] , or geographical locations. Institutions that consist of individuals with these diversities need to establish policies and strategies to combat discrimination. Student’s performance in school can be influenced by racial and ethnic composition [AP – DLA 11] and, hence, needs a special approach to handle issues that arise. Traditionally, the school attended was dependent on the residential area and to the distance to the schools, as such schools reflected the society around them.

School administrators and the government formulate policies aimed at ensuring equal opportunities for all students irrespective of their race, color, or language (CITATION). Teachers implement these policies to create a good learning environment for every student. A learning style that incorporates diversity of cultural backgrounds [AP – DLA 12] develops positive attitudes of the students toward education (CITATION). Teachers acquire these learning styles from occupational training, workshops, or resources such as accredited journals.

Teachers in multicultural schools design a common culture that does not discriminate against any race or ethnic to ensure student comfort in the classroom. Teachers adopt methods to allow them to manage this diversity through an understanding of different cultures. Grouping of students from various ethnic backgrounds ensures interactive and appreciation of different values. Schools have students of different ethnic groups, languages, and culture embrace diversity, which encourages cross-racial relationships (CITATION).

However, increased diversity faces challenges due to the inability of the education systems to manage the diversity. In an institution with minority groups, teachers tend to overlook them[AP – DLA 13] , which might demoralize the students affect the general performance. Racial diversity of teachers may not necessarily affect their service delivery to the students. [AP – DLA 14]

Positive attitudes of students toward their study leads to better performance, which can be obtained through use appropriate methodologies by their teachers (CITATION). Demographic studies carried out in the U.S. showed that teachers of schools with large numbers of mixed students [AP – DLA 15] had better skills to deal with diversity than those with one race showed.

Education is a basic right for every student, and learning in school should be democratic to allow active participation of every student. However, some schools introduce policies to ensure that the non-native students acquire the necessary skills to ensure that they fit in the community through teaching of native languages.

In this paper, I[AP – DLA 16]  will discuss racial diversity in schools and the way that teachers manage it. I will analyze teacher and student achievements in a mixed ethnic set up. I will also address the factors involved in knowledge transfer from the teacher to the student, and determines the characteristics that enable teachers deliver [AP – DLA 17] to their students. I will also discuss tools such as learning styles and grouping of students.

Literature Review

Institutions that foster racial and ethnic diversity in institutions lead to development of highly interactive societies free from discrimination (CITATION). Studies show that students who learn under diversified environments develop into adults who appreciate individuals from other backgrounds in the society (CITATION). A survey by the National Assessment of Education Progress (YEAR) [AP – DLA 18] showed a relationship between students of various races and achievements. Most of the research shows that racial and ethnical diversity has been used negatively, which pose challenges, and creates the need for common policies free from any discrimination (Gay, 2000).

According to Lee, Dedrick, and Smith [AP – DLA 19] (1991), the satisfaction of teachers [AP – DLA 20] was based on the organization structure of XXXX. Lee et al. (1991) studied the teacher–student relationship and its effects on the satisfaction and commitment of a teacher. Teacher output depended on factors such as their satisfaction, the student, and the school. The teacher performance was affected more by the racial composition of the students than race of their colleagues.

Social standards affect interaction between the lower class and upper class, which influences the opportunities of ethnic groups. Research shows that parental education determines a child’s performance such that children from educated backgrounds perform well (CITATION).

Racial diversity in the United States can be attributed to various factors such as slavery, relocation, and refugees (CITATION). Discrimination against students from minority ethnic groups creates an imbalanced society, which leads to a higher school dropout rate (CITATION). Demographic studies showed an increasing number of ethnic groups, which led to federal and state governments needing to implement policies in their institutions that supported diversity (CITATION). Studies show that institutions with students from various ethnic backgrounds rely on their teachers to provide a cultural bridge (CITATION). With an increasingly mixed culture, it has become difficult for governments to embrace a single race in a complex society. For example, Latinos are a group that has historical backgrounds that originated from various parts of the world. This makes the identity of their students complex because they may affiliate with more than one group and experiences. In addition, Mexicans can be of individuals with Spanish historical backgrounds. Brazilians historical roots revolve around roots from the Portuguese, Africans, and indigenous peoples[AP – DLA 21] .

Educational institutions design strategies that reduce prejudices based on ethnic differences. [AP – DLA 22] Multicultural education involves the use of strategies that promote and enhance cultural diversity. In the U.S., the establishment of affirmative action laws was designed to ensure the equal distribution of opportunities among all races. However, it was not based on the Constitution, which led to confusion in its implementation due to availability of different sources such as a statutes and acts (CITATION).[AP – DLA 23]

Institutional and individual discrimination result from prejudices against a group. Individual discrimination is the unequal treatment of an individual or a group; institutional discrimination refers to unfair treatment of a minority group by social institutions such as schools and governments, which may include lower funding for schools with minorities (CITATION. Discrimination influences racial diversity negatively[AP – DLA 24] , which can cause conflict between the minority and majority groups. According to a survey carried out by Southern Poverty Law, a prejudiced teacher was likely to discriminate against minority students and deliver poor quality services to them (as cited in King, 2000).[AP – DLA 25]

A study by the Civil Rights Project sh[AP – DLA 26] owed that racial differences exist between teachers who taught in all-White schools and in ethnically mixed schools (CITATION). White schools consisted of white teachers and faculties with little interaction with of non-White students in their [AP – DLA 27] education system. In this study, schools with large numbers of non-White students had a majority of white teachers (CITATION). Analyses concluded that White teachers in schools with a large number of minority students tended to shift their profession or school (Loeb, Darling-Hammond, & Luczak, 2005).

Methodology[AP – DLA 28] 

Various methods have been used to determine the performance of a teacher in relation to student achievements. Earlier, researchers carried out studies on the teacher–student effect through direct collection of information from schools for analysis or from other research studies, which showed how student performance affected the teacher quality. Research on racial and ethnic diversity involves a variety of parameters apart from teacher performance.

The analysis [AP – DLA 29] involves the use of meta-analysis to evaluate teacher performance. It also involves review of written materials such as academic journals and books to ensure coherence and bridge information. It also involved measurement of the relationship between teacher experience and student performance over a given span (Pettigrew & Tropp, 2006).

Studies investigated the relationship between diversity, performance, and achievements of the student. Quantitative studies evaluated the dynamic values of the student and teacher. Other studies involved the measurement of student achievement based on their racial diversities. The sample involved students of a class along with their teachers.

Data Collection and Analysis[AP – DLA 30] 

My analysis of the available research found a correlation between various academic studies. I used a coding method to gather and rate information. However, the correlation between teacher quality and student achievement was ambiguous due to the exchange of teachers, hence, efficiency in the data collection needed specialization of the teacher on a single subject.[AP – DLA 31]

Interviews were conducted with students[AP – DLA 32] . The study involved student views of their own ethnicity and views on how others perceived them (CITATION). It [AP – DLA 33] also involved listing opportunities available for their [AP – DLA 34] group and their education participation based on ethnic values. The sample size was 30 students of different ethnic backgrounds; interviews were conducted for 2 hours (CITATION).

Estimates were done [AP – DLA 35] based on the relationship between the teacher’s fixed effects and student’s performance. The availability of different effect sizes reduced the outstanding characteristics of the study, and averaging of these factors ensured a more accurate result (CITATION).

Analysis revealed a correlation between the factors [AP – DLA 36] under study. In the study, diversity was employed that based on observation through set up of a primary effect index[AP – DLA 37] . To compute the effect size Fisher’s r to z transformation was used where r represented population. In addition, a sample size that estimated the range that the effect size was computed and compared with other prior researches. Meta- analysis was used determined the relationship between the various parameters under study. Social integration between the teacher and the students was studied.[AP – DLA 38]

The results showed that there existed a positive relationship between the performance of a teacher and the student achievement. However, social integration did not show any effect on the achievement of a student. Professional qualification of a teacher resulted in positive output from a student. [AP – DLA 39]

Deductive and inductive analysis on the data collected from the interviews concluded that diversity of the students based on their origins and social set up[AP – DLA 40] . Analysis enabled illustration of newer relationships between the various parameters[AP – DLA 41] .

From the study, the quality of a teachers and experience determine their ability to deliver knowledge to the students (CITATION). Experienced teachers obtained better results than inexperienced teachers did. In situations where the quality of performance could not be easily reviewed, incentives would be more effective than training and employing new teachers (Smylie, 1989).

Racial diversity from the literature reviewed showed a variance in the performance of different races. The researched showed lower performances in minority groups, especially in classrooms that had a majority racial group (CITATIONS). [AP – DLA 42] The quality of the teacher did not determine the student performance (CITATION). However, teachers rating [AP – DLA 43] depended on student performances.


Administrations and guardians depend on teachers to provide a common ground for the diversified ethnic and racial backgrounds in schools. Increased knowledge of social and cultural status of the teacher ensures adequate service delivery and improved performance. Possession of credentials and continued learning leads to teachers acquiring the correct skills to manage the different cultural backgrounds within the classroom. Use of strategies like universal cultural representation [AP – DLA 44] reduces the gap between the different cultures and improves appreciation of racial diversity (CITATION).

Professional training is critical to all teachers prior to their service delivery. In addition, internships for the acquisition of appropriate teaching skills before enrolling in the profession are critical (CITATION). Most institutions offer ongoing trainings and workshops to update their staff on the developing skills. Some teachers obtain information from other resources on ethnicities and races to manage multicultural classrooms. Orientation of teachers’ prior beginning of the job acquaints them with the necessary skills (Sleeter, 2007).

Teachers implement different strategies to promote success in their to students. Teachers need to adapt learning styles that relate to their [AP – DLA 45] racial groups. In a mixed culture set up, teachers form a common setup accommodate all the different groups. However, most teachers stated that they did not acquire any training on the learning styles that involved multicultural backgrounds (Banks et al., 2001).

Teachers’ experience helps them to handle students with different backgrounds (CITATION). A teacher with many years’ experience in a school is more equipped to handle racial and ethnic diversities. A newly graduated teacher might be equipped with skills on racial diversity because most curricula have adopted diversity training (Ladson-Billings, 1995).

In countries where English is the first language, the curricula adopt strategies to train of the non-native English speakers. However, teachers lack special training on the way to manage and help them (CITATION). In the absence of this training, good teachers can improve adaptive skills through observation to find the best method to help their students. The establishment of additional classes to train the students on proficiency in English helps students fit in the school environment. Students from low-income schools rely on these strategies to succeed in their studies (CITATION).

Grouping students can be based on various factors, such as performance and capabilities. [AP – DLA 46] However, a good teacher ensures that the groupings do not discriminate against [AP – DLA 47] any student’s abilities because it can demoralize them (CITATION). Interaction between students with diverse racial and ethnic values improves their academic skills (CITATION). Groups of high-performing students may be biased against a group of low-performing students hence need to mix the abilities of the students (Mosteller, Light, & Sachs, 1996). Diverse groups ensure social development of students and the ability to appreciate ethnic values of others (Hawley, 2007).

Teachers working under pressure have lower skills to manage the racial diversity of the students (CITATION). The performance of students in a racially diversified XXXX [AP – DLA 48] degrades due to factors such as lack of teacher attention (CITATION). Different cultural backgrounds consist of different values that may not be supportive of education, which leads to the need for implementation of supportive learning systems (CITATION). Teachers play an important role [AP – DLA 49] in application of these policies. [AP – DLA 50]

Positive attitude toward education ensures greater performance in students. Teachers and school administrators encourage students in their learning to build correct attitudes. In a multicultural environment, constant monitoring of student welfare creates a good learning environment.

Students depend on their teachers and parents for knowledge. In a diversified racial set up, students tend to be confused due to their variance in their cultural values (CITATION). Teachers need to provide a guideline to children to strengthen their cultural values and bridge the gap between them[AP – DLA 51] .

A good learning environment relies on teacher’s willingness to pass knowledge to the students. The satisfaction of teachers guarantees their optimal performance and is reflected in the positive achievement in students. The dissatisfaction of teachers results in their resignation from the professional. This causes a loss of qualified and experienced teachers who may have the necessary skills to manage students’ diversified ethnic backgrounds.

An effective teacher creates groups that compete in extracurricular activities, which reduce the interracial differences between students. In addition, teaching values such as peace, justice, and equality leads students to perceive similarities in their ethnic backgrounds (CITATION).


Teachers are key players in ensuring that students embrace diversity in their institutions. The professional training of teachers should involve adequate training on various learning styles to be applied in a multicultural context. Good teaching characteristics involve understanding student ethnic diversity and working to strengthen it. Grouping of students across their racial backgrounds ensures cross-racial interaction, which improves the relationship between the various groups. Involvement of student groups in extracurricular activities reduces conflicts that exist between different races.

Teachers adopt values that are shared between different ethnic groups, which create a sense of similarity between them. Student academic performance improves due to increased interaction between the different racial groups.




[AP – DLA 52] 

References[AP – DLA 53] 

Banks, J. A., Cookson, P., Gay, G., Hawley, W. D., Irvine, J. J., . . . NAME OF THE LAST LISTED AUTHOR (2001). Diversity within unity: Essential principles for teaching and learning in a multicultural society. Seattle: University of Washington.

Gay, G. (2000). Culturally responsive teaching: Theory, research, and practice. New York, NY: Teachers College Press.

Hanushek, E. A. (1986). The economic schooling: Production and efficiency in public schools. Journal of Economic Literature, VOL(ISS), PP-PP.

Hawley, W. D. (2007). Designing schools that use student diversity to enhance learning of all Students. Charlottesville: University of Virginia Press.

Ladson-Billings, G. (1994). The dreamskeepers: Successful teachers of African American children. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.

Ladson-Billings, G. (1995). Toward a theory of culturally relevant pedagogy. American Educational Research Journal, 32[AP – DLA 54] , 465-491.

Lee, V. E., Dedrick, R. F., & Smith. J. B. (1991).The effect of the social-organization of schools on teachers’ efficacy and satisfaction. Sociology of Education, 64[AP – DLA 55] , 190-208.

Loeb, S., Darling-Hammond, L., & Luczak, J.(2005). How teaching conditions predict teacher turnover in California schools. Peabody Journal of Education, 80[AP – DLA 56] , 44-70.

Mosteller, F., Light, R. J., & Sachs, J. A. (1996). Sustained inquiry in education: Lessons from skill grouping and class size. Harvard Educational Review, 66[AP – DLA 57] , 797-828.

Pettigrew, T., & Tropp, L. (2006). A meta-analytic test of intergroup contact theory. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 90[AP – DLA 58] , 751-83.

Sleeter, C. E. (2007). Preparing teachers for multiracial and historically underserved schools. Charlottesville: University of Virginia Press.

Smylie, M. A. (1989). Teachers’ views of the effectiveness of sources of learning to teach. The Elementary School Journal, 89[AP – DLA 59] , 543-558.




Appendix A

Annotated Bibliography[AP – DLA 60] 

Ladson-Billings, G. (1995). Toward a theory of culturally relevant pedagogy. American Educational Research Journal, 32[AP – DLA 61] , 465-491.

In this article, Ladson-Billing discusses a theory that explains the various cultures in relation to performance of individuals. This article [AP – DLA 62] helped in my research by explaining the various cultural factors that affect different[AP – DLA 63]  XXXX.

Lee, V. E., Dedrick, R. F., & Smith, J. B. (1991). The effect of the social-organization of schools on teachers’ efficacy and satisfaction. Sociology of Education, 64[AP – DLA 64] , 190–208.

This journal explains the social relationship between the teacher and the student. It explains factors that lead to the satisfaction and dissatisfaction of a teacher. It also gives the effects of teacher satisfaction on students. This article was useful in my research because Lee et al. gave the various factors that determined the attitude of a teacher toward his or her student.[AP – DLA 65]

Loeb, S., Darling-Hammond,  L., & Luczak, J. (2005). How teaching conditions predict teacher turn over in California schools. Peabody Journal of Education, 80[AP – DLA 66] , 44-70.

This article provided conditions that can lead to the efficiency of a teacher through a discussion of incentives. It also explained the conditions that can lead to the retention of teacher in the profession. The authors gave insight to my research on the conditions that led to performance of teacher, however, the perspective of this research was restricted to XXXX[AP – DLA 67] .

Mosteller, F., Light, R. J., & Sachs, J. A. (1996). Sustained inquiry in education: Lessons from skill grouping and class size. Harvard Educational Review, 66[AP – DLA 68] ,797-828.

This article explains the methods used to group students of different abilities to ensure effective learning. Mosteller et al. were useful in my research by elaborating on the various methods that could be used to group students in a diversified environment.

Pettigrew, T. ,& Tropp, L. (2006). A meta-analytic test of intergroup contact theory. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 90[AP – DLA 69] , 751-83.

This article defined the use of meta-analytic tests to evaluate groups. Pettigrew and Tropp assisted my research through the establishment of various guidelines, on which my analysis and results were based.

Smylie, M. A. (1989). Teachers’ views of the effectiveness of sources of learning to teach. The Elementary School Journal, 89[AP – DLA 70] , 543-558.

This article was based on the analysis of 1,700 teachers to evaluate their effects on students based on their experience. It evaluated the performance of students based on different spans of teaching. Smylie was useful in my research in analyses of teachers and students and their contribution toward racial diversity.



Document Analysis

This is an extremely rough draft of what could be a very interesting paper. While it is clear that you have done the research, your paper is plagued by ambiguity, lack of detail, and repetition of both words (e.g., ensure) and statements. It lacks substance, detail, and focus. It is difficult-to-impossible to discern what is your work and what is the work of others. There is also very little critical analysis, and far too much high-level summary.

To begin, the importance of citations cannot be overstated. Any and all ideas, data, information, and analysis that are not your own must be cited. Citations support your arguments and give your work a factual basis. They protect your work from charges of plagiarism. They demonstrate to assessors or critics that you have carried out the necessary research. And they allow the reader to locate the material you consulted. Citations must be complete and accurate. I cannot strongly enough state the need for you to add citations to your work and to find the information missing from your reference list items. I have noted the places where you seem to have material from sources that is not cited or material that may be from your own observations that requires support from source material.

Also, you seem to use several secondary sources. Secondary sources. It is important that you find the primary source and read and cite that material. By reading the full text of the original source, you can verify that the context of the quote supports the point you want to make. You don’t want to be surprised by an informed reader who tells you that the original source actually contradicts your points—especially if that informed reader is your professor.
Second, by finding and reading the original source, you will become better informed about your research topic. To a reader familiar with the research in your topic area, the citations in your paper are one indication of whether you have a firm understanding of the subject and of the relevant research. By contrast, if you’ve cited secondary sources for ideas or quotations that you could have obtained easily (or relatively so), you may give the impression that your research was hasty or superficial.

In regard to your literature review, a literature review is a piece of discursive prose, rather than a list describing or summarizing one piece of literature after another. Organize the literature review into sections that present themes or identify trends, including relevant theory. You are not trying to summarize aspects of all the material published, but to synthesize and evaluate it according to the guiding concept of your thesis or research question. A literature review is not an annotated bibliography in which you summarize briefly each article that you have reviewed. While a summary of what you have read is contained within the literature review, it should go beyond summarizing. It should focus narrowly on your topic and include a critical analysis of the relationship among different works, before relating the research to your work. It should be carefully and meticulously cited. It should also include and discuss research that is contrary to your thesis. The strengths and weaknesses of all the research you include should be weighed and evaluated.

Please review my in-line comments carefully. I have noted many places that are vague, ambiguous, unclear, or lacking in detail. You will need to carefully go back and recreate your paper in much more detail and focus. Your paper needs the framework that a carefully drafted thesis statement will give it (e.g., teachers can use diversity to enhance student performance, or lack of diversity training hinders teacher performance in diverse classrooms, or the effects of teacher satisfaction on student performance in diverse classrooms, any one of these, but not all). Think about what you are setting out to prove and focus narrowly on that.


 [AP – DLA 1]Your abstract is choppy, it reads more like a string of loosely connected sentences than a cohesive paragraph. Consider rewriting this to more clearly and smoothly discuss your paper. It should be 150-250 words and should contain the keywords of your topic to include it in relevant electronic searches. You need to use current, intuitive, and accurate terminology. And it needs to encapsulate the essence of the article in a way that gives all essential information but sifts out the inessential. It should be able to stand on its own.

After reading your abstract, I should know your thesis (i.e., what you will prove), why it is important, and any significant ideas that will be discussed. Having read your abstract, I am not sure what your paper will really be about.

 [AP – DLA 2]What kind of performance? Academic? Social?

 [AP – DLA 3]This appears to be your thesis, which makes i

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