Discussion: Employee Motivation

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Discussion: Employee Motivation

Discussion: Employee Motivation
Course Textbook: MANAGEMENT: Leading & Collaborating in a Competitive World. 8th Edition, Thomas S. Bateman, Scott A. Snell, 2009. Published by McGraw-Hill/Irwin.
Read first the scenario, then answer the 2 questions below:
When we start a new job, we go into it with high expectations. It is always unfortunate and difficult to find the self motivation when you have been let down by those you try so desperately to impress. I recently endured a situation that caused me to change the way I do business. The slightest of comments lesson the motivation of an employee. It is difficult to continue to go to a job where there is no motivation. It would have been fair if management had spoken to the workers prior to making a decision on downsizing. Employee motivation can and in most cases will affect the bottom line. If the employee is not happy about the job, the employee will show those concerns. As we manage our team and workplace, it is difficult to pay special attention to one person’s needs. In one situation you may have a single mother finding it difficult to arrive on time to work. In another instance, you may have a person who is always out sick, and the illness is persistent. In another instance, you may have a person who does not perform his/her job functions as expected.
1.As the manager, what would you do?
2.How do you determine the course of action that is best for your team, the team mate and your organization?
Respond to each question, provide any example if able to in a 1 to 2 body page response with proper references and any web site address used. No cover page or header needed for this assignment.

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