Discuss the role of the Saudi’s Government in ensuring the effectiveness of HACCP implementation in restaurants.

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Discuss the role of the Saudi’s Government in ensuring the effectiveness of HACCP implementation in restaurants.

The thesis is about (Difficulties and Barriers for the implementation of Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP) and Food Safety Systems in Saudi Arabian Restaurants


The purpose of this study is to identify the difficulties and barriers of implementing effective food safety systems such as HACCP in the restaurant market. This goal is reached based on a number of objectives, which culminate in the achievement of the research goal. The following are the objectives of the study.

1.1.1. To establish what percentage of restaurants in Saudi Arabia implementing and maintain the right standards of HACCP system.

1.1.2. To identify barriers that restrict, the implementation of the HACCP system in the country.

1.1.3. To investigate the role of the Saudi’s Government in ensuring the effectiveness of HACCP implementation in restaurants.

1.1.4. To study, learn and understand the motivations in implementing HACCP system in both new and old restaurants throughout the country.

1.1.5. To investigate the degree of implementation of HACCP System in Saudi Arabia.

1.1.6. To propose a potential solution(s) to the difficulties faced by restaurants in implementing the food safety systems.

1.1.7. To draw good strong conclusions which address a positive change in the implementation of the HACCP System in the restaurants?


Food safety is a critical discussion point. This study identifies challenges faced by restaurants in Saudi Arabia attempting to implement HACCP and other food safety systems. This research is significant in theoretical and practical fields. There are few researchers focusing on HACCP implementation in Saudi Arabia. This research focuses on collecting data concerning HACCP in Saudi Arabia. It complements the existing information on food safety in Saudi Arabia.

The findings of this research will add to the information available to students learning about food safety. The research has an academic significance. Food safety studies are based on foreign information and lack sufficient data from local sources. The addition of local data to academic fields is pertinent to improving the understanding of food safety in Saudi Arabia. While this study is limited by a number of factors, it presents a basis for further research by government, institutions, companies and even individual researchers.

The research will provide recommendations based on the findings in the field. These will provide practical solutions to the existing challenges in the field. These practical solutions are feasible to restaurants, industry analysts, governments, and enforcement agencies. The presentation of practical solutions based on the difficulties and barriers identified by the research are useful in the short and long-term of food safety. Food safety systems, especially the HACCP system is continuously improving food safety. The additional data points provide the system with necessary information for advancement of food safety in restaurants.

I already have done the first three chapters, and all I need is the rest of this thesis which are (Results, Discussion, Conclusion & Recommendations, References, Journal Article, and Appendix)

I have uploaded all files you need including the first three chapters of the thesis, and I also uploaded file which includes the results please analyze them by using SPSS program. Besides that I downloaded a file consists of the survey. Also there is a file calls Dissertation guideline you have to read it and follow the instructions, and I will write down instructions that my supervisor sent them to me about the rest of my thesis:

Results. Try not to go question by question. It is better to group the results by theme. Also the tables should be titled, not by the question itself but the subject of the answer. Eg Q: What sex are you?. Ttitle of table/ Graph- Gender of respondents. On the left hand axis it should normally be done by % rather than number so allow comparisons between results. Always state on a table the number of respondants eg if 25 answered, you say n (the population) =5. The reason being that a survey of 2000 is much more robust than one of 1 so the reader needs to know this.

When going through your results you do not need to graph everything. Eg 55% male: 45% female doesn’t need a graph. Also it is categorical data as you decided who to ask so it is not a result per se.

Don’t just pool you result, stratify them to dig deeper. Eg find out if men gave a different answer than women or did the ages or educational, geographic difference affect the results as this is something which can be terrific for a discussion and may help you to explain the answer or predict future changes eg. If young people have adifferent answer to older folk, it might indicate that things will change in the future.

You should give the graph or result and it text highlight the key thing you found. All those key results will be gathered together in your discussion. You don’t have to record every result- if it is in significant, you can ignore it and not include it. However a negative result can be very useful. So no difference for instance is significant and can be used in a discussion.


If you have highlighrted the key results it is relatively easy to do the discussion. The best thing it to group the key results into themes and do the discussion on that basis. Avoid a discussion on a question by question basis. It is very boring and is poor.

References: must be formulated with Harvard style.

Journal Article

1. The aim of this task is to give you experience in writing an article for an academic journal. Often , we have found that some excellent work is done in theses but the results never get published because by the time the thesis is complete people are so tired that they never want to see the work again! To overcome this, we have included the requirement for the paper to be included with the thesis. If it is good enough, perhaps with some amendments, we can try to have it published. You can be famous!

2. The guidelines say that it is NOT just a summary of the thesis itself. That would make an article far too long and it would never be published. It should be about 3- 5 pages maximum.

3. So what should it be? You should note the most important finding(s) of you thesis and write the paper on that (so it doesn’t have to include EVERYTHING you found out).

4. What journal should you chose? The one that is appropriate to the topic you have researched. The best way to choose a suitable journal is to look through your list of references and see what journals you got information from- that journal is probably the most appropriate to your work.

5. How do you write it? The chosen journal will have “journal author guidelines” normally on the website of the journal. (I have included one in the thesis handbook for one journal (The Journal of Food Control)for illustrative purposes- each journal will have their own. You must read these but in conjunction, you should look at a number of articles somewhat similar to yours from the journal. Look at how the article was laid out; the way the material was expressed; the language used. Copy that format. You should have some familiarity from having read articles for your literature review.

6. Remember, the abstract is written last, so after you have completed the rest of the article- only then can you summarise it.

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