Discuss the potential market of Public Access WLANs (PAWs) and opportunities for the suppliers of infrastructure, software and services.

organizational leader
August 3, 2017
Business Research
August 3, 2017
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Discuss the potential market of Public Access WLANs (PAWs) and opportunities for the suppliers of infrastructure, software and services.

Write about three issues of the wireless which are:
1- Security versus coverage
2-Performance for multiple users
3-Public access WLANs

The requirement are as follows

* Security versus coverage: WLANs are extensively developed and used globally because of their low cost and easy for installation properties. When increasing the coverage of services by deploying more access points in an area, security
becomes a major concern for the performance of the network. Comment on this issue and discuss any possible solutions for the problem.
* Performance for multiple users: When multiple users are served by one access point, like the situation you have experienced in the laboratory, the transmission performance perceived by individual users will be affected by a number of factors. List those factors and explain how they influence the received signal quality (in terms of SNR) and throughput, respectively.
* Public access WLANs: When WLANs are deployed and operating in the public domain, they will have to work alongside other existing wireless networks.
Discuss the potential market of Public Access WLANs (PAWs) and
opportunities for the suppliers of infrastructure, software and services. At the same time, illustrate the disruptive effect of PAWs to other wireless networks and services offered, and suggest any methods that can be used to minimise the effect.

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