Diabetes and Hypertension

Task 4 – Recommendation System (This task is worth 30 Marks)
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Diabetes and Hypertension

Diabetes and Hypertension Diabetes refers to a group of diseases characterized by hyperglycemia manifested by polyuria, polyphagia and polydipsia (Cotran, Kumar & Robins, 1994). There major types of diabetes are Type I, Type II and heart disease. Type II is related to the impaired responsiveness of the body cells to the insulin produced. Gestational arises during the pregnancy (Cotran, Kumar & Robins, 1994). Hypertension is elevated systemic blood pressures above the level of 140/90mmHg (Dorman et al, 1999). Primary hypertension has no obvious medical cause with secondary being related to the malfunctions in the various organs like kidneys, arteries, heart or hormonal changes. A family history showing the above diseases increases the chances of the offspring being infected. Some genes are dominant whereas others are recessive.

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