criticle paper

Health and Physical Development
August 3, 2017
History and Political Science
August 3, 2017
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criticle paper

write a critique paper based on two contradicting articles(the two articles i uploaded),since i ask for the same writer like last time, i believe that the writer is familiar with this kind of criticle paper, i will also upload the feedback from last critique paper, hopefully i can get a better grade this time. Thanks.Please also notice that we will have a class discussion about these two articles, and i will upload the notes as soon as I got it.Please read the notes carefully since the feedback metioned a lot about the notes. The paper should set the theoretical background, summarise the studies, provide a critical analysis of the findings, and come to a conclusion by reconciling the disparate data. the paper should cite a minimum of 2 articles in addition to the two main articles to back up any claims you make and should be between 1000 – 1500 words, not including title or reference list. Please use 12-point font, double spacing, 1 inch margins, and Microsoft Office or PDF file format. All references should be listed using APA-style. The critique papers will be marked on the basis of structure and clarity (5%), accuracy (5%) and critical analysis (5%). 1/3 Structure & clarity. o Clear, concise, expository prose style: Logical organiza/on and logical progression; Effec/ve transi/ons; Appropriate tone (not colloquial) • 1/3 Accuracy. o Accurate descrip/on of studies and representa/on of literature; Conformity with APA guidelines; Appropriate cita/ons and at least 2 addi/onal suppor/ng ar/cles; Accurate quota/ons and reference sec/on; Spelling and grammar. • 1/3 Cri/cal analysis. o Original and crea/ve intellectual contribu/on; Argument well defended; Appropriate opinions; Synthesis of readings; Sugges/ons for future direc/ons. Here is the notes that prof suggest to use: Set the scene – what are the key concepts (for example, in this case one would be episodic memory), what is the theoretical issue (in this case, this would be the role of the prefrontal cortex in episodic/semantic memory encoding/retrieval)? Describe the evidence – what did the authors do and what did they find? Provide critical analysis – strengths and weaknesses of the study/evidence? Synthesise and come to a conclusion. You can o Side with one side of the argument; o Agree/disagree with both; o Whatever your conclusions, ALWAYS provide reasons. o Suggest future work if you can. For your information, here is the Course Description and Objectives:Current Topics in Memory & Cognition How does the brain process memories? Do different brain regions make distinct contributions to memory processing? Are there different types of memories? The present course is designed to provide you with an in-depth understanding of some of the key issues in the cognitive neuroscience of memory. Although you may have come across some of these topics in previous courses in Years 1 to 3, you will soon discover that there is considerable debate surrounding each one, with conflicting experimental data, differing interpretations of studies, and contrasting theoretical viewpoints. Throughout the course, you will be encouraged to engage in discussion and debate with your peers, and you will be given the opportunity to develop your critical thinking and presentation (written and oral) skills. In summary, by the end of the course, you will: A) Be knowledgeable in a number of current ‘hot topics’ in cognitive neuroscience memory research focused largely on the functions of the medial temporal lobe structures. B) Be able to consider experimental data critically, and reconcile divergent findings. C) Understand how to discuss and critique experimental studies in the context of a written article or an oral presentation. D) Develop your own viewpoint on the basis of evidence available in the literature. The last three skills are particularly crucial as they are transferable to other courses and more importantly, will serve you well in the future no matter what further studies/career you pursue


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