Competitor Profiling

Criminology- Psychology Assignmen
August 3, 2017
Overview of assessment
August 3, 2017
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Competitor Profiling

Competitor Profiling

Complete two competitor profiles for a healthcare organization. The healthcare organization could be your current (or former) employer or the organization in your marketing plan. Write a three- to four-page (excluding title and reference pages) competitor profiling paper in APA format. In your paper, incorporate a minimum of three scholarly sources (in addition to the course text) that were published within the past five years and that are cited according to APA guidelines. Apart from the description of a healthcare organization, the Competitor Profiling should include the following elements for TWO competitors:
• Overview (Name of competitor and size/volume)
• Nature of organization/operation
• Competitive strength
• Competitive weakness
• Likely key competitive moves
• Likely key long-range strategy
• Market share data

Recommended Resources

1. Lindrooth, R. C. (2008). Research on the hospital market: Recent advances and continuing data needs. Inquire-Excellus Health Plan, 45(1), 19-29. Retrieved from the ProQuest database.
2. Steoger. N. J., & Balog, A. (2010). Realizing patient-centered care: Putting patients in the center, not the middle. Frontiers of Health Services Management, 26(4), 15-25. Retrieved from the ProQuest database.


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